Chinese Mythology: Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Tai
《 梁Liáng山shān伯bó与yǔ祝zhù英yīng台tái 》, 简jiǎn称chēng 《 梁liáng祝zhù 》, 是shì中zhōng国guó古gǔ代dài民mín间jiān四sì大dà爱ài情qíng故gù事shì之zhī一yī 。 Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Tai or Liang Zhu for…
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Zhu Ying Tai, the heroine of the ancient Chinese love story Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Tai . She was a classmate of Liang Shan Bo for three years and had a deep affection for him, but she was not allowed to unite with him, and the two of them were transformed into butterflies after their deaths.
《 梁Liáng山shān伯bó与yǔ祝zhù英yīng台tái 》, 简jiǎn称chēng 《 梁liáng祝zhù 》, 是shì中zhōng国guó古gǔ代dài民mín间jiān四sì大dà爱ài情qíng故gù事shì之zhī一yī 。 Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Tai or Liang Zhu for…