Tag: Yu Huang Da Di

The Yu Di (Yu Huang Da Di), also known as the Jade Emperor, is the highest-ranking god in the sky in Chinese Taoism and folklore, in charge of the Heavenly Court and overseeing the three realms (Heavenly, human and ghost worlds).

Chinese Mythology: Yu Huang Da Di

玉yù皇huáng大dà帝dì是shì道dào教jiào神shén话huà中zhōng众zhòng神shén的de领lǐng袖xiù , 老lǎo百bǎi姓xìng将jiāng其qí视shì为wéi天tiān上shàng的de “ 皇huáng帝dì ”, 万wàn神shén世shì界jiè的de最zuì高gāo统tǒng治zhì者zhě , 简jiǎn称chēng “ 玉yù帝dì ”。The Yu Huang Da Di is the leader of…