Chinese Mythology: Huang Di Battling Chi You
在Zài九jiǔ州zhōu大dà地dì上shàng , 黄huáng帝dì 、 炎yán帝dì和hé蚩chī尤yóu曾céng是shì三sān大dà部bù落luò首shǒu领lǐng 。 In the land of the Jiu Zhou, the Huang Di, Yan Di and Chi…
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Xuan Nu, that is, the nine sky Xuan Nu, ancient Chinese myths taught the art of war goddess, after Taoism as a high-ranking female immortals and arts and figures God, the legend for the birth mother of Emperor Yan Di, is the emissary of the Xi Wang Mu, the Huang Di’s teacher, helped the Huang Di to defeat Chi You.
在Zài九jiǔ州zhōu大dà地dì上shàng , 黄huáng帝dì 、 炎yán帝dì和hé蚩chī尤yóu曾céng是shì三sān大dà部bù落luò首shǒu领lǐng 。 In the land of the Jiu Zhou, the Huang Di, Yan Di and Chi…