Chinese Folk Tale: The Marriage of the Goddess
Preface: “The Marriage of the Goddess” mainly tells the story of the beautiful and kind-hearted Seven Immortals who fell in…
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The Wang Mu Niang Niang, or Queen Mother of the West, or Xi Wang Mu, is the head of the female immortals in the Immortal World and resides in Yao Chi. Legend has it that her husband was the Jade Emperor (Yu Huang Da Di).
Preface: “The Marriage of the Goddess” mainly tells the story of the beautiful and kind-hearted Seven Immortals who fell in…
Preface: Chen Xiang is the nephew of Er Lang Shen, who is also the nephew of the Yu Huang Da…
这zhè个gè是shì中zhōng国guó古gǔ代dài很hěn有yǒu名míng的de一yī个gè汉hàn族zú老lǎo百bǎi姓xìng的de爱ài情qíng故gù事shì , 也yě是shì咱zán们men中zhōng国guó四sì个gè超chāo级jí有yǒu名míng的de民mín间jiān传chuán说shuō里lǐ的de一yī个gè , 其qí他tā三sān个gè是shì 《 梁liáng山shān伯bó与yǔ祝zhù英yīng台tái 》、《 孟mèng姜jiāng女nǚ哭kū长cháng城chéng 》 还hái有yǒu 《 白bái蛇shé传zhuàn 》。 This is a famous love story…
玉yù皇huáng大dà帝dì是shì道dào教jiào神shén话huà中zhōng众zhòng神shén的de领lǐng袖xiù , 老lǎo百bǎi姓xìng将jiāng其qí视shì为wéi天tiān上shàng的de “ 皇huáng帝dì ”, 万wàn神shén世shì界jiè的de最zuì高gāo统tǒng治zhì者zhě , 简jiǎn称chēng “ 玉yù帝dì ”。The Yu Huang Da Di is the leader of…
西xī王wáng母mǔ又yòu称chēng “ 王wáng母mǔ娘niáng娘niáng ”, 是shì掌zhǎng握wò刑xíng法fǎ的de女nǚ神shén , 天tiān界jiè女nǚ仙xiān之zhī首shǒu 。 Xi Wang Mu, also known as “ Wang Mu Niang Niang ”,…