Chinese Mythology: The Zhu Que(朱雀),the Vermilion Bird
Preface: The Zhu Que(朱雀),the Vermilion Bird, is a southern god-beast. The south is fire, and bird totems such as the…
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Pan Gu, also known as Pangu Clan, is a god of creation in Chinese mythology. When he woke up from a deep sleep he propped up the clear and turbid air up and down, forming heaven and earth, and eventually collapsed from exhaustion, his voice and air and all parts of his body dividing into all things in the world.
Preface: The Zhu Que(朱雀),the Vermilion Bird, is a southern god-beast. The south is fire, and bird totems such as the…
盘Pán古gǔ , 是shì中zhōng国guó神shén话huà传chuán说shuō中zhōng的de创chuàng世shì神shén 。 Pan Gu, the god of creation in Chinese mythology. 很Hěn久jiǔ很hěn久jiǔ以yǐ前qián , 世shì界jiè最zuì早zǎo只zhǐ是shì一yī片piàn虚xū空kōng , 没méi有yǒu任rèn何hé物wù质zhì , 没méi有yǒu时shí间jiān…