Tag: Hou Yi

Hou Yi , originally known as Yi, is an ancient Chinese mythological figure who excelled in archery and helped Emperor Yao to shoot down the nine suns, leaving only one day behind, thus leading to the folk tale of Hou Yi shooting at the sun. Hou Yi was a vassal of the Sun God, Dijun, and the husband of Chang’e . In order to become immortal, Hou Yi obtained the elixir of immortality from the Queen Mother of the West, but his wife Chang’e stole it and ran to the moon. He also eradicated the six evils of the world, defeated the Yellow River Water Bo, and rescued Mi Fei (Luo Shen). In the end, he was killed by his disciple Feng Meng, who used a peach stick to assassinate him. Later, he was appointed by Emperor Jun as the king of all ghosts, Zong Bu Shen.

Chinese Mythology: Hou Yi Shooting the Sun

后Hòu羿yì是shì中zhōng国guó古gǔ代dài神shén话huà传chuán说shuō中zhōng的de人rén物wù , 是shì月yuè亮liàng女nǚ神shén嫦cháng娥é的de丈zhàng夫fū , 手shǒu持chí红hóng色sè神shén弓gōng 、 白bái色sè羽yǔ箭jiàn , 擅shàn于yú射shè箭jiàn 。 Hou Yi is an ancient Chinese mythological figure, the husband…