Chinese Mythology: Feng Bo (Wind God) and the Yu Shi (Rain God)
Preface: The Feng Bo and the Yu Shi, in Chinese mythology, are gods in charge of wind and rain, respectively.…
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Feng Bo’s name is Fei Lian, and he turned out to be Chi You’s senior brother. His appearance is peculiar, with a deer-like body, covered with leopard-like patterns. His head was like a peacock’s head, the horns on his head were lofty and odd, and he had a snake-like tail. After being subdued by the Huang Di he obediently became the deity in charge of the wind. As the vanguard of the Heavenly Emperor’s tour, Uncle Wind was responsible for cleaning up all the obstacles on the road. Whenever the Heavenly Emperor went on a tour, it was always the God of Thunder who opened the way, the Master of Rain sprinkled water, and Feng Bo swept the ground. The main duty of the Feng Bo was to control the news of winds from all directions, and to organize the festive weather of the four seasons.
Preface: The Feng Bo and the Yu Shi, in Chinese mythology, are gods in charge of wind and rain, respectively.…
在Zài九jiǔ州zhōu大dà地dì上shàng , 黄huáng帝dì 、 炎yán帝dì和hé蚩chī尤yóu曾céng是shì三sān大dà部bù落luò首shǒu领lǐng 。 In the land of the Jiu Zhou, the Huang Di, Yan Di and Chi…