Tag: Chang E

Chang E (嫦娥), a character in ancient Chinese mythology, wife of Hou Yi (后羿), who ascended to the Moon Palace after stealing a pill of immortality and became famous for her beauty.

Chinese Mythology: Hou Yi Shooting the Sun

后Hòu羿yì是shì中zhōng国guó古gǔ代dài神shén话huà传chuán说shuō中zhōng的de人rén物wù , 是shì月yuè亮liàng女nǚ神shén嫦cháng娥é的de丈zhàng夫fū , 手shǒu持chí红hóng色sè神shén弓gōng 、 白bái色sè羽yǔ箭jiàn , 擅shàn于yú射shè箭jiàn 。 Hou Yi is an ancient Chinese mythological figure, the husband…