Chinese mythology: Lei Shen (the Thunder God)
传Chuán说shuō , 雷léi神shén住zhù在zài雷léi泽zé , 它tā长zhǎng着zhe人rén的de头tóu和hé龙lóng的de身shēn子zi 。 Legend has it that Lei Shen (the god of thunder) lives in Leize, which…
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传Chuán说shuō , 雷léi神shén住zhù在zài雷léi泽zé , 它tā长zhǎng着zhe人rén的de头tóu和hé龙lóng的de身shēn子zi 。 Legend has it that Lei Shen (the god of thunder) lives in Leize, which…
传Chuán说shuō中zhōng国guó古gǔ时shí有yǒu “ 年nián ” 兽shòu , 凶xiōng猛měng异yì常cháng , 每měi年nián上shàng岸àn伤shāng人rén害hài命mìng 。 Legend has it that in ancient China, there was a…
唐Táng朝cháo元yuán和hé二èr年nián , 有yǒu个gè叫jiào韦wéi固gù的de书shū生shēng去qù清qīng河hé访fǎng友yǒu 。 In the second year of Yuanhe in the Tang Dynasty, a scholar named Wei Gu went…
春Chūn秋qiū时shí期qī , 有yǒu对duì铸zhù剑jiàn高gāo手shǒu夫fū妇fù , 名míng叫jiào干gān将jiāng和hé莫mò邪yé 。 In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a couple of skilled swordsmiths named…
太Tài行háng和hé王wáng屋wū两liǎng座zuò山shān , 非fēi常cháng巨jù大dà 。 Taihang and Wangwu mountains are very huge. 它Tā们men方fāng圆yuán有yǒu七qī百bǎi里lǐ , 高gāo七qī八bā千qiān丈zhàng 。 They cover an area of…
古Gǔ时shí候hòu , 有yǒu个gè叫jiào目mù连lián的de公gōng子zǐ , 他tā信xìn佛fó又yòu孝xiào顺shùn 。 In ancient times, there was a young gentleman named Mu Lian who believed in…
鲤Lǐ鱼yú跳tiào龙lóng门mén指zhǐ传chuán说shuō中zhōng黄huáng河hé鲤lǐ鱼yú跳tiào过guò龙lóng门mén , 就jiù会huì变biàn化huà成chéng龙lóng 。 Carp Jumping Dragon Gate refers to the legend that the Yellow River carp will change into…
何Hé仙xiān姑gū是shì八bā仙xiān中zhōng唯wéi一yī的de女nǚ性xìng , 她tā的de师shī傅fù是shì吕lǚ洞dòng宾bīn , 师shī祖zǔ是shì汉hàn钟zhōng离lí 。 He Xian Gu was the only female among the Eight Immortals, and her master…
这Zhè个gè故gù事shì有yǒu多duō个gè版bǎn本běn , 本běn文wén选xuǎn取qǔ了le其qí中zhōng一yī个gè流liú传chuán较jiào广guǎng的de版bǎn本běn 。 There are several versions of this story, and this article selects one of the more widely…
很Hěn久jiǔ很hěn久jiǔ以yǐ前qián , 有yǒu八bā位wèi非fēi常cháng了liǎo不bù起qǐ的de人rén , 他tā们men通tōng过guò自zì己jǐ的de努nǔ力lì和hé修xiū炼liàn , 变biàn成chéng了le仙xiān人rén 。 A long, long time ago, there were eight very remarkable people who,…