Preface:Chi You once secretly came down to the earth from the Heavenly Ladder and forced the Miao people to help him rebel. Emperor Zhuan Xu, also known as the Xuan Di, wanted to cut off the connection between heaven and earth.
黄帝的妻子螺祖生了个儿子叫昌意 , 昌意总闯祸 , 被贬到若水 。
Huangdi’s wife, Leizu, gave birth to a son named Changyi, who often caused trouble and was banished to Ruoshui.
昌意在若水娶了部落首领的女儿昌仆 , 昌仆看到异象后生下颛顼 。
Changyi married Changpu, the daughter of the local tribe leader in Ruoshui, and Changpu gave birth to Zhuan Xu after seeing a strange vision.
颛顼在东方长大 , 辅佐少昊治理国家 , 后来成为北方的天帝 。
Zhuan Xu grew up in the east and assisted Shao Hao in governing the country. Later, he became the emperor of the north.
颛顼的助手是海神禹强 , 他们共同管理寒冷的北方荒野 。
Zhuan Xu’s assistant was the sea god Yu Qiang, and together they managed the cold northern wilderness.
因为颛顼住在北方 , 代表黑色 , 所以被称为玄帝 。
Since Zhuan Xu lived in the north, which was associated with the element of water and the color black, he was also called the Xuan Di.
黄帝年迈 , 颛顼代替他统治 , 后来正式成为最高领袖 。
Huangdi was old, so Zhuan Xu took over the reigns and later officially became the supreme leader.
颛顼上台后做的第一件事就是截断天地间的通道 。
The first thing Zhuan Xu did after taking office was to cut off the passage between heaven and earth.
以前 , 天与地之间有条天梯 , 神和人可以自由往来 。
Previously, there was a Heavenly Ladder between heaven and earth, allowing gods and humans to freely travel between the two.
蚩尤利用天梯到人间作乱 , 黄帝和他大战一场 , 最终获胜 。
Chiyou used the Heavenly Ladder to cause trouble on earth, and Huangdi fought him in a great battle, ultimately winning.
颛顼担心再有恶神下凡 , 决定斩断天梯 。
Zhuan Xu, worried that other evil gods might descend, decided to cut off the Heavenly Ladder.
天神重和天神黎斩断天梯 , 天地从此相隔更远 。
The gods Zhong and Li cut off the Heavenly Ladder, making heaven and earth even farther apart.
人与神被隔开 , 各自安好 。
Humans and gods were separated, and each lived peacefully in their own realm.
颛顼让天神重管理天 , 天神黎管理地 。
Zhuan Xu assigned the god Zhong to manage heaven and the god Li to manage earth.
天神黎的儿子噎协助父亲管理日月星辰 , 后来成为时间之神 。
Li’s son Ye assisted his father in managing the sun, moon, and stars and later became the god of time.
颛顼根据地区条件发展经济 , 制定历法 , 将一年定为 365.25 天 。
Zhuan Xu developed the economy according to regional conditions, created a calendar, and set the length of a year to 365.25 days.
颛顼去世后 , 灵魂附在鱼身上复活 , 人们称他为 “ 鱼妇 ”。
After Zhuan Xu died, his soul attached to a fish and he was revived, earning him the name “Fish Wife.”
颛顼的子孙中 , 老童声音如乐器 , 太子长琴擅长弹琴 。
Among Zhuan Xu’s descendants, Lao Tong’s voice was like a musical instrument, and Prince Changqin excelled at playing the qin.
颛顼还有个九头鸟女儿 , 夜晚出来活动 。
Zhuan Xu also had a nine-headed bird daughter who came out at night.
颛顼的儿子穷蝉是灶神 , 每年腊月二十三上天汇报 。
Zhuan Xu’s son Qiongchan was the kitchen god, who ascended to heaven to report every year on the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month.
颛顼的后代遍布各地 , 其中一支发展成了南方的楚国 。
Zhuan Xu’s descendants spread across the land, and one branch developed into the Chu state in the south.
伟大的诗人屈原自称是颛顼的后裔 。
The great poet Qu Yuan claimed to be a descendant of Zhuan Xu.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!
Bullish immortals👍