Preface: The Feng Bo and the Yu Shi, in Chinese mythology, are gods in charge of wind and rain, respectively.
风伯 , 人们也叫他风师 、 箕伯 , 真名叫飞廉 。
The Feng Bo (the Wind God), also known as Feng Shi or Ji Bo, is actually named Fei Lian.
他长相很奇怪 , 有孔雀一样的头 , 奇怪的角 , 鹿的身体 , 豹纹一样的花纹 , 还有蛇一样的尾巴 。
He has a strange appearance with a peacock-like head, unusual horns, a deer-like body, leopard-like patterns, and a snake-like tail.
飞廉是蚩尤的师弟 , 他们一起拜一真道人为师 , 在祁山修炼 。
Fei Lian was Chi You’s junior martial brother, and they both studied under the same master, Yizhen Daoren, at Qishan.
一次修炼时 , 飞廉看到对面山上有块奇怪的大石头 。
During one meditation session, Fei Lian noticed a strange boulder on the opposite mountain.
风雨来时 , 石头会飞到半空 , 像燕子一样矫捷 。
When wind and rain came, the boulder would fly into the air, agile like a swallow.
天晴时 , 石头又回到原处 。
When the sky cleared, the boulder would return to its original spot.
飞廉觉得好奇 , 开始留心观察 。
Fei Lian found it curious and started observing it carefully.
一天夜里刮风下雨 , 飞廉起身去看石头 。
One night, when it was windy and rainy, Fei Lian got up to look at the boulder.
果然 , 石头动了起来 , 变成一个布囊样的东西 。
Indeed, the boulder moved and transformed into something resembling a cloth bag.
布囊好像有生命 , 屈身吸气 , 再喷出来 。
The cloth bag seemed to have life, bending down to take in two deep breaths before exhaling skyward.
风雨变得更猛烈 , 布囊像燕子一样飞翔 。
The wind and rain intensified, and the cloth bag flew gracefully like a swallow.
飞廉一跃而起 , 抓住了布囊 。
Fei Lian leapt from the cliff and caught the cloth bag.
他发现布囊会说人话 , 名叫 “ 风母 ”。
He discovered that it could speak human language and was named “Feng Mu”.
风母知道八方消息和四时气候 , 飞廉向它学习鼓风 、 收风的法术 。
Feng Mu knew news from all directions and the weather of the four seasons. Fei Lian learned the magic of controlling the wind from her.
黄帝和蚩尤打仗时 , 蚩尤请风伯 、 雨师助阵 。
During the war between Huang Di and Chi You, Chi You invited the Feng Bo and Yu Shi to help.
他们施法 , 风雨大作 , 黄帝军队溃败 。
They cast spells, causing a violent storm, and Huang Di’s army was defeated.
黄帝布下阵型 , 请来旱神女魃 , 打败了蚩尤 。
Huang Di set up a well-trained formation and invited the God of Drought, Nüba, to join the battle, defeating Chi You.
涿鹿一战后 , 风伯飞廉归顺黄帝 , 做了掌管风的神灵 。
After the Battle of Zhuolu, the Feng Bo Fei Lian surrendered to Huang Di and became the god in charge of the wind.
天帝出巡时 , 风伯负责吹起狂风 , 清扫障碍 。
When the Heavenly Emperor went on a tour, the Feng Bo was responsible for blowing strong winds to clear obstacles.
平常 , 风伯了解四时气候 , 掌握八方消息 。
Usually, the Feng Bo knew the weather of the four seasons and news from all directions.
雨师是掌管雨的神仙 , 也叫屏翳 、 号屏 。
The Yu Shi (the Rain God) is the deity in charge of rain, also known as Pingyi or Haoping.
有人说雨师是赤松子 , 他曾在神农时期负责施雨 。
Some say the Yu Shi is Chisongzi, who once served as the Yu Shi during the reign of Emperor Shennong.
远古时代 , 人们靠采摘野果和渔猎生活 , 日子艰难 。
In ancient times, people lived by picking wild fruits and hunting, leading a difficult life.
伏羲造渔网捕鱼 , 炎帝教大家种五谷 , 生活好转 。
Fu Xi invented fishing nets to improve fishing efficiency, and Yan Di taught people to cultivate crops using wooden tools. Life improved.
但一场旱灾降临 , 土地干涸 , 庄稼枯死 。
However, a severe drought occurred, and for months, no rain fell. The land cracked, and crops were dying.
炎帝忧虑 , 一个野人出现在他面前 , 自称赤松子 。
Yan Di was worried about the people’s survival and anxious about the drought.
赤松子说他在昆仑山修炼多年 , 会施雨降水 。
Chisongzi said he had trained on Kunlun Mountain for many years and could control the rain.
炎帝请他展示本领 , 他吞下 “ 水玉 ”, 化为赤龙升天 。
Yan Di asked him to demonstrate his abilities. Chisongzi swallowed a pill called “Shuiyu” and transformed into a red dragon, flying into the sky.
乌云密布 , 大雨倾盆 , 庄稼恢复生机 , 百姓高兴 。
Dark clouds gathered, and a torrential downpour came. The dying crops drank their fill of water and gradually recovered. The people were delighted and thanked the life-saving rain.
炎帝封赤松子为雨师 。
Yan Di was pleased and appointed Chisongzi as the Yu Shi.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!