Preface: The Three Emperors and the Five Emperors are all legendary tribal leaders in ancient China, and the most familiar of them is Huang Di (the Yellow Emperor). The Huang Di was devoted to solving problems for the people. It is said that he invented things such as boats, hats and tripods for mankind.
黄帝的诞生有个美丽传说 。
There is a beautiful legend about the birth of Huang Di.
黄帝的母亲叫附宝 , 是有熊国国君的妻子 。
Huang Di’s mother was Fubao, the wife of the ruler of Youxiong.
附宝多年未孕 , 非常焦虑 。
Fubao had been unable to conceive for many years and was very anxious.
一天晚上 , 她睡不着 , 决定出门散步 。
One night, she couldn’t sleep and decided to go for a walk.
她仰望星空 , 向上苍祈祷 。
She gazed at the stars and prayed to the heavens.
忽然 , 她看到北斗七星的天枢星周围闪耀着光芒 。
Suddenly, she saw a bright light surrounding Tianshu, the first star of the Big Dipper.
附宝头晕目眩 , 感到腹中隐约有东西在动 。
Fubao felt dizzy and sensed something moving in her abdomen.
她就这样怀孕了 。
In this way, she became pregnant.
附宝怀孕两年生下男孩 , 这就是黄帝 。
After two years of pregnancy, Fubao gave birth to a boy, who was Huang Di.
黄帝一生下来就会说话 , 十五岁时无所不能 。
Huang Di could speak as soon as he was born and was omnipotent when he was fifteen.
人们称他是天之骄子 。
People called him the son of heaven.
黄帝有四张面孔 , 眼观六路 , 耳听八方 。
Huang Di had four faces, could see in all directions, and hear from afar.
炎帝神农氏势力扩大 , 与黄帝争夺首领地位 。
Yan Di, Shen Nong, expanded his influence and competed with Huang Di for leadership.
双方在阪泉之野发动战争 , 炎帝败退南方 。
The two sides fought a war in the field of Banquan, and Yan Di retreated south.
黄帝成为最高统治者后 , 为百姓排忧解难 。
After Huang Di became the supreme ruler, he worked to solve the problems of the people.
黄帝发明了许多生活用品 , 如帽子 、 鼎 。
Huang Di invented many daily necessities, such as hats and cauldrons.
黄帝看到树叶上的蚂蚁 , 想到发明船 。
Seeing an ant on a floating leaf inspired Huang Di to invent boats.
人们用树干尝试 , 但无法保持平衡 。
People tried using tree trunks but couldn’t maintain balance.
后来 , 人们挖空树干 , 终于能坐稳 。
Later, they hollowed out the trunk and could sit stably.
黄帝又指导人们用木头做桨 , 控制船的方向 。
Huang Di then instructed people to make oars from wood to control the boat’s direction.
这就是中国最早的船 , 叫 “ 舟 ”。
This was the earliest boat in China, called “zhou”.
黄帝还发明了车 , 因此被称为 “ 轩辕氏 ”。
Huang Di also invented the chariot, earning him the name “Xuan Yuan”.
人们需要迁徙时 , 行李太重很不方便 。
When people needed to migrate, heavy luggage caused great inconvenience.
黄帝在黄土高原避难时 , 发现草帽被风吹立在地上滚动 。
While seeking refuge on the Loess Plateau, Huang Di noticed his straw hat rolling upright in the wind.
他受此启发 , 用柳条扎成圆圈 , 做成车的雏形 。
Inspired by this, he used willow branches to make circular frames, forming the prototype of a chariot.
风后用石盘和木棍改进 , 做成更牢固的车 。
Feng Hou improved it with stone disks and wooden sticks, making a more sturdy vehicle.
仓颉给这个东西起名 “ 车 ”。
Cang Jie named this invention “chariot”.
黄帝晚年发明鼎 , 铸造时金龙从天而降 。
In his later years, Huang Di invented the cauldron, and a golden Long descended from the sky during its casting.
金龙说天帝派它来带黄帝升天 。
The Long said that the Heavenly Emperor sent it to take Huang Di to heaven.
黄帝跨上龙背 , 对大臣们告别后升天 。
Huang Di mounted the Long and bid farewell to his ministers before ascending.
后人把黄帝升天的地方称为 “ 鼎湖 ”。
Later generations named the place where Huang Di ascended “Dinghu”.
因为金龙是在鼎湖载着黄帝升天的 , 世就常以 “ 龙去鼎湖 ” 形容帝王去世 。
As the golden Long carried Huang Di to heaven at Dinghu, people often use “Long leaves Dinghu” to describe the death of an emperor.
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