Preface: The word “heavenly book” was born in ancient times, and it is said that the He Tu and Luo Shu were heavenly books, and there are also many folk myths and legends about the wordless heavenly books. Today’s story is about the legend of the Book of Heaven related to the famous Chinese thinker, Gui Gu Zi.
相传 , 鬼谷子的师傅在升天成仙时 , 给他留下了一卷神秘的竹简 。
According to legend, when Gui Gu Zi’s master ascended to heaven, he left behind a mysterious scroll of bamboo slips for him.
竹简上写着 “ 天书 ” 两个字 , 但当鬼谷子打开它时 , 却发现里面一个字也没有 。
The bamboo slips were inscribed with the words “heavenly book,” but when Gui Gu Zi opened it, he found that there were no words inside.
他感到非常困惑 , 因为与师傅相依为命的九年里 , 他们的感情非常深厚 。
He felt very puzzled, because during the nine years he had lived with his master, their bond had grown very deep.
现在师傅突然离去 , 鬼谷子心里空落落的 , 连吃饭喝茶的心思都没有了 , 直接回到洞室里躺下睡觉 。
Now that his master had suddenly left, Gui Gu Zi felt empty inside and had no appetite for food or tea, so he went straight to his cave room and lay down to sleep.
但他怎么也睡不着 , 一直在想着那卷无字天书 。
But he couldn’t sleep at all and kept thinking about the wordless heavenly book.
整晚都在辗转反侧 , 直到天亮 , 那竹简的影子还在他眼前晃来晃去 , 他始终想不通这是怎么回事 。
He tossed and turned the whole night, and even when it was daylight, the image of the bamboo slips was still floating in his mind. He couldn’t figure out what was going on.
于是 , 他干脆爬起来 , 点燃松明火把 , 借着灯光再次查看那卷竹简 。
So, he got up and lit a torch, using the light to examine the bamboo slips again.
结果 , 他惊讶地发现竹简上竟然闪烁着金光 , 一行行像蚂蚁一样的小字闪闪发光 。
To his surprise, he found that the bamboo slips were glowing with golden light, and tiny words like ants were shining on them.
鬼谷子感叹道 :“ 难道这就是传说中的 ‘ 无字金书 ’ 吗 ?”
Gui Gu Zi exclaimed, “Could this be the legendary ‘Wordless Golden Book’?”
他一下子来了兴致 , 一口气读完了整本书 , 并从头到尾背了下来 。
His interest was piqued, and he read the entire book in one breath, memorizing it from the beginning to the end.
原来 , 这本书记录的是一部关于纵横家的经典 , 共有十三篇 。
It turned out that the book was a classic on the art of statecraft, consisting of thirteen chapters.
读完之后 , 鬼谷子不禁拍案叫绝 , 他以前和师傅辩论时从未占过上风 , 原来师傅有这么一本金书 。
After reading it, Gui Gu Zi couldn’t help but applaud. He had never had the upper hand in debates with his master before, and now he realized that his master had such a golden book.
他又想起了和师傅一起生活的日子 , 心里既温暖又有些心酸 , 还有几分孤寂 。
He remembered the days he had lived with his master and felt a mix of warmth, sadness, and loneliness.
于是 , 他熄灭了火把 , 钻进被窝里继续睡觉 。
So, he put out the torch and went back to sleep in his bed.
第二天醒来 , 他感到有些疲惫 , 但还是忍不住再次打开那卷金书 , 想仔细研究一下 。
When he woke up the next day, he felt tired, but he couldn’t resist opening the golden book again to study it carefully.
然而 , 他惊讶地发现 , 书里又变成了一个字也没有 。
However, he was surprised to find that there were no words in the book again.
鬼谷子从头翻到尾 , 还是找不到一个字 , 他更加确信这本书是师傅的宝贝 , 要好好珍惜 。
Gui Gu Zi flipped through the book from the beginning to the end, but still couldn’t find a single word. He was even more convinced that this book was his master’s treasure and needed to be cherished.
于是 , 他把书带进内洞 , 放在卧榻上 , 然后走出洞门按照师傅的嘱咐去练功 、 作法 。
So, he took the book into the inner cave, placed it on his bed, and then went out to practice his martial arts and spells as his master had instructed.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!