Preface: The twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac, also known as the phases of the genus, are the twelve animals in China that match the twelve earthly branches with the year of a person’s birth, including the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. The origin of the Chinese zodiac is related to animal worship. As a long-standing folk cultural symbol, the Chinese Zodiac has left a large number of poems, spring couplets, paintings, calligraphy and folk craft works depicting the image and symbolism of the Chinese Zodiac through the ages.
The twelve zodiac signs are the figurative representatives of the twelve earthly branches, i.e., Zi (Rat), U (Ox), Yin (Tiger), Mao (Rabbit), Chen (Dragon), Si (Snake), Wu (Horse), Wei (Sheep), Shen (Monkey), You (Chicken), Xu (Dog), and Hai (Pig), which are gradually blended into the concept of folk beliefs of inter-relationships with each other as history develops and reflected in the concepts of marriage, life and yearly fortunes, etc. Each of these zodiac signs has a wealth of legends and has become a system of conceptual interpretation, which has become a system of interpretation. Each zodiac sign has a rich legend, and in this way it forms a conceptual interpretation system and becomes a figurative philosophy in folk culture, such as the phases of the zodiac in marriage, prayers at temples, and the year of the birth of a child. In modern times, more people use the Chinese zodiac as a mascot for the Spring Festival and as a symbol for entertainment and cultural activities.
In addition to China, many countries in the world have folk cultures related to the Chinese zodiac. In the East Asian Cultural Circle, Korea and Japan have the same Chinese Zodiac as China, Vietnam has a cat instead of a rabbit, India has a lion but not a tiger, and the rest are the same as China. Cambodia and Thailand are the same as China, but with the ox and snake at the head respectively. Myanmar is the eight zodiac signs.
很久很久以前 , 在古老的华夏大地上 , 有一个伟大的帝王 , 名叫轩辕黄帝 。
Long, long ago, on the ancient land of Huaxia, there lived a great emperor named Xuan Yuan Huang Di.
他想要选出十二个最勇敢 、 最忠诚的动物 , 来守护他的宫廷 。
He wanted to choose twelve of the bravest and most loyal animals to guard his palace.
消息一出 , 所有的动物都兴奋不已 , 它们都想成为这荣耀的一员 。
When the news spread, all the animals were thrilled, and they all wanted to be part of this honor.
猫觉得自己很敏捷 , 但报名那天它睡过头了 , 于是它拜托好朋友老鼠帮忙报名 。
The cat thought it was agile, but it overslept on the day of registration, so it asked its good friend, the mouse, to help sign up.
老鼠满口答应 , 但到了报名的时候 , 它却把这事儿给忘了 。
The mouse promised readily, but when it came to registration, it forgot about it.
从此 , 猫一见到老鼠就生气 , 总是想要报复 。
From then on, whenever the cat saw the mouse, it got angry and always wanted revenge.
选拔的日子到了 , 轩辕黄帝看着眼前的动物们 , 心中已经有了人选 。
On the day of selection, Emperor Xuan Yuan looked at the animals before him and had already chosen some in his heart.
大家一致推选牛作为首领 , 因为它强壮又勤劳 。
Everyone chose the ox as the leader because it was strong and diligent.
但老鼠心眼儿多 , 它悄悄爬上了牛背 , 想让自己也显得高大威猛 。
But the cunning mouse secretly climbed onto the ox’s back, wanting to make itself look tall and mighty.
虎和龙见牛被选为首领 , 心里很不服气 。
When the tiger and the Long saw the ox being chosen as the leader, they felt dissatisfied.
轩辕黄帝看到它们的不满 , 便封虎为山神 , 龙为海神 , 让它们也排在牛的后面 , 守护四方 。
Seeing their dissatisfaction, Emperor Xuan Yuan made the tiger the god of the mountains and the Long the god of the sea, placing them behind the ox to guard the four directions.
兔子觉得自己跑得快 , 也不服气 , 它要求和龙赛跑 。
The rabbit felt it was fast and also dissatisfied, so it challenged the Long to a race.
没想到 , 兔子真的跑得比龙还快 , 一下子就跑到了龙的前面 。
Unexpectedly, the rabbit really ran faster than the Long and quickly got ahead of it.
狗看到兔子这么得意 , 心里很不乐意 , 它一冲动 , 竟然咬伤了兔子 。
Seeing the rabbit so pleased with itself, the dog felt unhappy, and in a fit of anger, it bit the rabbit.
轩辕黄帝很生气 , 把狗罚到了最后一名 。
Emperor Xuan Yuan was very angry and punished the dog by placing it last.
剩下的蛇 、 马 、 羊 、 猴 、 鸡之间 , 也进行了一场激烈的较量 。
Among the remaining snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, and chickens, there was also a fierce competition.
它们各有本领 , 互不相让 。
They each had their own abilities and refused to give in.
最后 , 懒洋洋的猪慢悠悠地跑来 , 虽然它跑得最慢 , 但轩辕黄帝看它憨态可掬 , 还是让它占据了最后一个位置 。
Finally, the lazy pig came slowly. Although it ran the slowest, Emperor Xuan Yuan saw its cute appearance and still let it take the last spot.
就这样 , 十二生肖诞生了 , 它们一直守护着轩辕黄帝的宫廷 , 成为了华夏大地的传奇 。
In this way, the twelve zodiac animals were born, and they have been guarding Emperor Xuan Yuan’s palace, becoming legends of the land of Huaxia.
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