夸父是中国上古时期神话传说人物之一 。
Kua Fu is one of the mythical and legendary figures of ancient China.
很久很久以前 , 由一位巨人叫夸父 。 他想让太阳一直照耀人间 , 于是去追逐太阳 , 一直追到太阳落下的地方 。
A long, long time ago, by a giant named Kwa Fu. He wanted the sun to shine on earth all the time, so he went chasing the sun until it set.
夸父离太阳越近越觉得口渴 。 他很想喝水 , 就去喝黄河和渭河的水 , 但是黄河和渭河的水不够喝 , 他又去喝北边大湖里的水 。 但是他还没跑到那里 , 便渴死在了半路上 。 他死时 , 身体化做了大山 , 拐杖变成了桃林 。
The closer he got to the sun, the thirstier he felt. He wanted to drink water so badly that he went to drink from the Yellow River and the Wei River, but there was not enough water in the Yellow River and the Wei River to drink, so he went to drink from the great lake to the north. But before he could get there, he died of thirst halfway there. When he died, his body was transformed into a mountain and his walking stick into a peach forest.