Preface: Han Ba (旱魃) is a monster in ancient Chinese mythology that causes drought.
It is said that Han Ba was originally Tian Nu Ba, the daughter of the Huang Di (the Yellow Emperor). After helping her father defeat Chi You, her divine power was exhausted, and no rain fell where she lived, so she was called Han Ba.
传说 , 在中国的一个古老村庄 , 天空连续数月未降一滴雨 , 田地干裂 , 庄稼枯萎 。 村民们忧心忡忡 , 纷纷议论着是否旱魃出现了 。
Legend said, in an ancient village in China, the sky hadn’t dropped a single drop of rain for months. The fields cracked, and the crops wilted. The villagers were worried and talked about whether a Han Ba had appeared.
村民们回忆起去年村里死了个年轻人 , 尸体至今未腐 , 且坟头周围总是异常干燥 。 大家猜测 , 这个年轻人的尸体可能变成了旱魃 。
The villagers recalled that a young man in the village had died the previous year, and his body had not decomposed. The area around his grave was always unusually dry. They speculated that the young man’s body might have turned into a Han Ba.
为了求雨 , 村民们决定挖开坟墓 , 将尸体暴晒并焚烧 , 这就是 “ 打旱魃 ” 的习俗 。 他们怀着忐忑的心情 , 挖开了坟墓 , 果然发现尸体并未腐烂 , 还长出了绿毛 。
To bring rain, the villagers decided to dig up the grave, expose and burn the body. This was the custom of ”killing Han Ba.” With trembling hearts, they dug up the grave and indeed found that the body had not decomposed and had even grown green hair.
村民们按照传统仪式焚烧了尸体 , 不久后 , 天空乌云密布 , 大雨倾盆而下 , 滋润了干渴的大地 。 村民们欢呼雀跃 , 感谢上天终于带来了雨水 。
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!