Preface: “Tao Wu” (梼杌) is one of the four ferocious beasts in Chinese myths and legends, is a monster living in the remote West, it is like a tiger and hair canine, hair is very long, the face is a bit like a man, the legs are a bit like a tiger, the mouth has long tusks like a wild boar, and the tail length is ten feet, and it is a hegemony in the West, and it is able to fight and not to be retreated.
In the distant ancient times, there existed a mysterious creature named Tao Wu in Chinese mythology.
据说 , 梼杌是北方天帝颛顼的一个儿子 。 然而 , 他性格顽固不化 , 凶恶异常 , 常常做出一些违背常理的事情 。
It was said that Tao Wu was a son of Zhuan Xu, the Northern Heavenly Emperor. However, he had a stubborn and fierce personality, often doing things that defied common sense.
他的行为引起了天帝的不满 , 天帝决定将他贬下凡间 , 以示惩罚 。
His behavior caused dissatisfaction among the Heavenly Emperors, and they decided to exile him to the mortal world as punishment.
被贬下凡的梼杌并没有悔改 , 反而变得更加狂暴 。 他化身为一只形似老虎 , 但全身长满长毛 , 且拥有坚硬鳞甲的怪兽 。
Tao Wu, exiled to the mortal world, did not repent but became even more furious. He transformed into a monster resembling a tiger but covered in long hair and with hard scales.
梼杌常常在深山老林中出没 , 袭击过往的行人 。 他的吼声震耳欲聋 , 令人心生恐惧 。
Tao Wu often lurked in the deep mountains and forests, attacking passing travelers. His roar was deafening and filled people with fear.
然而 , 有一个勇敢的猎人 , 名叫后羿 。 他听闻了梼杌的恶行 , 决定为民除害 。
However, there was a brave hunter named Hou Yi. He heard about Tao Wu’s evil deeds and decided to eliminate the harm he caused to the people.
后羿带着他的弓箭 , 深入山林 , 历经千辛万苦 , 终于找到了梼杌 。 在一场激烈的战斗中 , 后羿凭借他的勇气和智慧 , 成功地将梼杌射杀 。
With his bow and arrows, Hou Yi ventured deep into the mountains and forests, enduring numerous hardships, and finally found Tao Wu. In a fierce battle, Hou Yi, with his courage and wisdom, successfully shot and killed Tao Wu.
从此 , 梼杌的传说在民间流传开来 , 成为了人们警示顽固不化和凶恶行为的象征 。
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!