Preface: The Qiong Qi (穷奇) is one of the four ferocious beasts in Chinese mythology, representing evil.
In a long, long time ago, in the mythical world of ancient China, there was a fierce beast named Qiong Qi.
穷奇是西方天帝少昊的后代 , 但因他不忠不信 , 喜欢听信坏话 , 做尽恶事 , 被舜帝流放到了边疆 , 用来抵御邪恶 。
Qiong Qi was the descendant of Shao Hao, the Western Heavenly Emperor. But because he was disloyal and untrusted, loved to listen to bad words, and did all kinds of evil deeds, he was exiled to the border by Emperor Shun to ward off evil.
根据 《 山海经 》 的记载 , 穷奇的外貌像老虎 , 但体型像牛一样大 , 还长着一对翅膀 。 它性情凶狠 , 喜欢吃人 , 尤其喜欢吃那些忠诚善良的人 。
According to the records in ”the Book of Mountains and Seas”, Qiong Qi looked like a tiger but was as big as a cow, with a pair of wings. It had a fierce temperament and loved to eat humans, especially those who were loyal and kind.
传说中 , 每当有人打架 , 穷奇就会飞到现场 , 把有理的一方吃掉 , 而鼓励那些做坏事的人 。
In legends, whenever people fought, Qiong Qi would fly to the scene and eat the one who was in the right, while encouraging those who did bad things.
然而 , 有一天 , 一位名叫颛顼的英雄来到了穷奇所在的部落 。 颛顼看到了穷奇的恶行 , 决定要教训它 。
However, one day, a hero named Zhuan Xu came to the tribe where Qiong Qi lived. Zhuan Xu saw Qiong Qi’s evil deeds and decided to teach it a lesson.
经过一场激烈的战斗 , 颛顼终于战胜了穷奇 , 将它驱逐出了部落 。 从此 , 穷奇在荒野中四处游荡 , 成为了一个孤独的邪恶存在 。
After a fierce battle, Zhuan Xu finally defeated Qiong Qi and expelled it from the tribe. From then on, Qiong Qi wandered around in the wilderness, becoming a lonely evil presence.
这个故事告诉我们 , 邪恶的行为最终会得到应有的惩罚 , 而正直和善良才是我们应该追求的美德 。
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!