Preface: Bai Ze, the divine beast in ancient Chinese mythology, can speak, understand the feelings of everything, know the things of ghosts and gods, and eliminate all evils in the world.
Bai Ze is a famous divine beast on Kunlun Mountain.
它全身雪白 , 长着虎头 、 红发 、 龙身 , 样子很特别 。
It is completely white, with a tiger’s head, red hair, and a dragon’s body. It looks very special.
因为它有神奇的能力和神秘的身份 , 所以大家都非常尊敬它 。
People respect it very much because of its magical abilities and mysterious identity.
白泽不仅是神话里的吉祥兽 , 还是文化和历史的象征 。
Bai Ze is not only a auspicious creature in mythology, but also a symbol of culture and history.
它常常和贤明的君主和好的品德联系在一起 , 代表着正义和智慧 。
It is often associated with wise rulers and good morality, representing justice and wisdom.
传说黄帝在东海之滨得到了一只白泽 。
Legend has it that Huang Di obtained a Bai Ze on the coast of the East Sea.
这只神兽会说人话 , 知道天下所有的事情 , 还了解所有鬼怪的名字 、 样子和驱除方法 。
This divine beast can speak human language, knows everything in the world, and understands the names, appearances, and expulsion methods of all ghosts and monsters.
黄帝向白泽请教鬼怪之事 , 白泽告诉了黄帝所有的情况 。
Huang Di consulted Bai Ze about ghosts and monsters, and Bai Ze told him everything.
黄帝让人把白泽的话写成一本书 , 这就是 《 白泽图 》。
Huang Di ordered his people to write down Bai Ze’s words into a book, which is called ”Bai Ze Tu”.
这本书记录着如何驱除甚至消灭所有害人的鬼怪 。
This book records methods to expel or even eliminate all harmful ghosts and monsters.
另一个传说是 , 白泽的祖先曾跟随大禹治水 , 写成了 《 白泽图 》。
Another legend says that the ancestor of Bai Ze once followed Yu the Great in controlling floods and wrote ”Bai Ze Tu”.
从大禹时期开始 , 白泽就被当作驱鬼的神兽和吉祥的象征来供奉 。
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!