Preface: Dumplings (饺子) occupy a special place on Chinese dining tables. They are not only a household delicacy but also carry rich culture and emotions.
饺子 , 这道源自中国的传统美食 , 早已成为了无数家庭餐桌上的常客 。
Dumplings, this traditional Chinese cuisine, have long become a staple on the dining tables of countless families.
它们形状小巧 , 皮薄馅多 , 一口咬下 , 鲜美的汤汁和丰富的馅料在口中绽放 , 让人回味无穷 。
They are small in shape, with thin skin and plenty of filling. With one bite, the delicious broth and rich filling burst in the mouth, leaving a lingering aftertaste.
饺子的历史可以追溯到很久很久以前 , 那时的中国人为了在寒冷的冬天里找到一丝温暖 , 便创造了这种用面皮包裹馅料的食物 。
The history of dumplings can be traced back a long, long time ago. At that time, Chinese people invented this food wrapped in dough with filling inside in order to find a bit of warmth during the cold winter.
相传 , 中国的医圣张仲景见百姓忍饥挨冻 , 就叫上徒弟架起大锅 , 煮起了驱寒的药汤 。
According to legend, the Chinese medical saint Zhang Zhongjing saw the people suffering from hunger and cold, so he ordered his disciples to set up a big pot and boil a medicinal soup to drive away the cold.
他精选了羊肉 , 还加了一些能驱寒的药材 , 放进锅里慢炖 。
He carefully selected lamb and added some medicinal herbs that can drive away cold, and slowly stewed it in a pot.
等肉炖得烂熟后 , 他就把肉切碎 , 用薄薄的面皮一包 , 捏成耳朵的样子 , 再下到锅里煮熟 。
fter the meat is cooked to perfection, he cuts it into small pieces, wraps it in a thin layer of dough, shapes it into an ear shape, and then puts it in the pot to cook.
煮好的这些 “ 小耳朵 ” 热气腾腾 , 分给那些冷得发抖 、 耳朵冻伤的乡亲们吃 。
The cooked ‘little ears’ were steaming hot and served to the villagers who were shivering from the cold and suffering from ear frostbite.
人们吃了这种食物后 , 身子立马暖和起来 , 耳朵也热乎乎的 , 冻伤逐渐痊愈 。
After people eat this kind of food, their bodies immediately warm up, their ears also warm up, and frostbite gradually heals.
这种食物逐渐推广开来 , 人们叫它 “ 饺子 ”。
This type of food is gradually being promoted and people call it “dumplings”.
自宋代开始 , 有了冬至日吃饺子的习俗 , 自明朝以来有了正月初一吃饺子的习俗 。
Since the Song Dynasty, there has been a custom of eating dumplings on the winter solstice, and since the Ming Dynasty, there has been a custom of eating dumplings on the first day of the first lunar month.
随着时间的推移 , 饺子的馅料变得越来越丰富多样 , 从最初的猪肉 、 白菜 , 到后来的海鲜 、 蔬菜等 , 各种食材都可以成为饺子的馅料 。
As time went by, the fillings of dumplings became more and more diversified, ranging from the original pork and cabbage to later seafood, vegetables, and various other ingredients that can be used as fillings.
而饺子的制作方式 , 也逐渐从家庭手工制作 , 发展到了现代化的机械生产 。 但无论制作方式如何变化 , 那份对饺子的热爱和期待 , 却始终如一 。
And the way of making dumplings has gradually evolved from handmade at home to modern mechanical production. But no matter how the production method changes, the love and anticipation for dumplings remain the same.
在中国 , 饺子不仅仅是一道美食 , 更是一种文化的象征 。 特别是在春节期间 , 家家户户都会围坐在一起包饺子 , 这不仅是一种传统习俗 , 更是一种家庭团聚和亲情传递的方式 。
In China, dumplings are not just a delicacy, but also a symbol of culture. Especially during the Spring Festival, every household will gather together to make dumplings. This is not only a traditional custom, but also a way of family reunion and emotional bonding.
饺子的形状也寓意着吉祥和财富 , 因为它们的形状与古代的元宝相似 , 所以吃饺子也被视为一种祈求好运和财富的方式 。
The shape of dumplings also symbolizes good luck and wealth, as they resemble ancient gold ingots. Therefore, eating dumplings is also seen as a way to seek good luck and wealth.
如今 , 饺子已经走出了国门 , 成为了世界各地人们喜爱的美食 。 无论是在亚洲的餐馆 , 还是在欧美的超市 , 你都可以找到饺子的身影 。
Today, dumplings have gone beyond national borders and become a favorite food for people all over the world. Whether in Asian restaurants or supermarkets in Europe and America, you can find dumplings.
这道源自中国的传统美食 , 不仅满足了人们的味蕾 , 更成为了连接不同文化和国家的桥梁 。
This traditional Chinese cuisine not only satisfies people’s taste buds, but also becomes a bridge connecting different cultures and countries.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!
I Love It!饺子