Preface: The Transparent mesa of Yimeng Seventy Two mesas. There is a cave at the top of the mesa, and at one end of the cave, you can see through to the sky at the other end. Regarding it, there is a beautiful legend about Er Lang Shen helping mortals.
很早很早以前 , 在沂蒙山区 , 有两户人家 , 一户在山前姓王 , 一户在山后姓赵 , 两家都很穷 。
Long, long ago, in the Yi Meng mesas, there were two families. One lived in front of the mesa and was surnamed Wang, while the other lived behind the mesa and was surnamed Zhao. Both families were very poor.
一年 , 两家在同一天各添了一个孩子 , 王家生了女儿叫水秀 , 赵家生了儿子叫山明 。
One year, both families had a new baby on the same day. The Wang family had a daughter named Shuixiu, and the Zhao family had a son named Shanming.
两家人经常来往 , 关系很好 , 老人们就决定让他们结为亲家 。
The two families visited each other often and had a good relationship, so the elders decided to make a marriage contract between them.
等孩子们长到十六七岁时 , 王家开始做生意 , 变得富有 , 而赵家还是一样穷 。
When the children grew up to be sixteen or seventeen years old, the Wang family started doing business and became rich, while the Zhao family remained poor.
王家开始看不起赵家 , 不想把水秀嫁给山明了 。
The Wang family began to look down on the Zhao family and didn’t want to marry Shuixiu to Shanming anymore.
但两家已有婚约 , 王家不好意思直接说退婚 , 就想着怎么找个借口 。
But since there was already a marriage contract between the two families, the Wang family was embarrassed to say they wanted to break it and tried to find an excuse.
水秀和山明从小感情就很好 , 长大了更相爱了 。
Shuixiu and Shanming had been close since childhood and loved each other even more when they grew up.
山明的父亲看到孩子们感情好 , 就想早点给他们订婚 。
Shanming’s father saw how much the children loved each other and wanted to engage them early.
他带着礼物去王家商量婚事 , 却遭到王家刁难 , 要求三天内开条山洞才能嫁女儿 。
He brought gifts to the Wang family to discuss the marriage, but was bullied by them. They demanded that a tunnel be dug within three days before they would marry their daughter.
山明的父亲觉得这是不可能的 , 忍气吞声地回家了 。
Shanming’s father thought it was impossible and returned home feeling humiliated.
山明听说后非常伤心 , 想自杀 。 幸运的是 , 二郎神路过 , 听到了他的哭声 , 决定帮他 。
Shanming was very sad when he heard the news and wanted to kill himself. Fortunately, Er Lang Shen of the Second Heaven passed by, heard his cries, and decided to help him.
二郎神用扁担在山中间捅了个大洞 , 赵家到王家就有了近道 。
Er Lang Shen of the Second Heaven used his pole to make a big hole in the middle of the mesa, creating a shortcut from the Zhao family’s home to the Wang family’s.
王家没办法 , 只好把水秀嫁给了山明 。
The Wang family had no choice but to marry Shuixiu to Shanming.
从此 , 山明做生意 , 水秀持家 , 生活越过越好 。
From then on, Shanming did business and Shuixiu took care of the household. Their life got better and better.
二郎神因为帮助百姓触怒了玉帝 , 扁担被收回天宫 , 但山还在那里 , 人们称它为 “ 透明崮 ”。
Er Lang God of the Second Heaven angered the Jade Emperor by helping the people, and his pole was taken back to heaven. But the mesa remained there, and people called it “Transparent mesa.”
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