Preface: Feng (the Phoenix) refers to Feng Huang (the phoenix), the king of birds in ancient legends. In the olden days, it was a metaphor for a wise and holy monarch to whom the whole world was attached, and later it was also a metaphor for a person of high moral standing to whom all the people belonged.
很久很久以前 , 凤凰不过是一只平凡的小鸟 。
In times immemorial, Feng Huang (the Phoenix) was merely an unremarkable little bird.
它的羽毛并无特别之处 , 远非传说中的那般绚丽 。
Its feathers lacked any special radiance, far from the dazzling beauty depicted in legends.
但它拥有一项美德 : 异常勤奋 , 不像其他鸟儿那样吃饱了就嬉戏 。
Yet, it possessed one virtue: it was incredibly diligent. Unlike other birds that frolicked after eating their fill.
它终日忙碌 , 搜集其他鸟儿丢弃的果实 , 储存在洞穴中 。
it worked tirelessly throughout the day, gathering fruits discarded by others, and storing them in caves.
有一年 , 森林遭遇大旱 。
In a year when the forest faced a severe drought。
鸟儿们找不到食物 , 饿得虚弱无力 , 几乎无法生存 。
The birds couldn’t find food, starving and barely able to survive.
这时 , 凤凰赶紧打开洞穴 , 拿出多年积攒的干果和草籽 , 与大家分享 , 共度难关 。
At this moment, Feng Huang hastily opened its cave, took out the dried fruits and grass seeds it had accumulated over the years, sharing them with everyone to overcome the hardship together.
一日 , 伏羲巡游至西山桐林 , 只见金 、 木 、 水 、 火 、 土五行之精 , 纷纷飘落在梧桐树上 。
One day, Fu Xi patrolled the Tong Forest in the Western Mountains, where he saw the essences of the five elements—Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, descending onto the Wutong tree.
顿时 , 仙乐缭绕 , 香气弥漫 。
Immediately, celestial music filled the air, and a fragrant aroma spread.
天空中出现万道霞光 。
A radiant display of light shone in the sky.
两只美丽的大鸟 , 在五彩祥云的托举下 , 翩翩降落在梧桐树上 。
two beautiful big birds, carried by colorful auspicious clouds, gracefully landing on the Wutong tree.
其他鸟儿纷纷飞来 , 聚集在各处树上 , 向着这两只大鸟齐鸣 。
Other birds flew over, gathering on trees everywhere and chirping towards the two big birds in unison.
伏羲见状 , 大为惊奇 , 连忙召来辅佐他的木神句芒询问 。
Seeing this, Fu Xi was greatly amazed, and quickly summoned his assistant, the Wood God Gou Mang, to inquire.
句芒笑道 :“ 那两只最大的鸟 , 便是凤凰 !”
Gou Mang smiled and said, “Those two biggest birds are Feng Huang!”
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!