Preface: Ying Long, the divine Long (dragon) with two wings in ancient Chinese mythology, is the common ancestor of the Long, Feng Huang (phoenix) and Qi Lin (unicorn), symbolizing wisdom and courage.
应龙 , 是一条神奇的中国龙 。
Ying Long is a magical Chinese Long.
他又叫黄龙 、 老龙 , 还被称为祖龙 。
He is also known as Yellow Long, Old Long, and Ancestral Long.
他是中国最早的雷神和雨神 。
He is the earliest Thunder God and Rain God in China.
他掌管着四季变换和山河大地 。
He governs the changes of the seasons and the land with mountains and rivers.
应龙在神话里还是创世 、 造物 、 灭世的神 。
Ying Long is also the god of creation, creation of beings, and destruction in mythology.
传说他抚育了一枚龙蛋 , 龙蛋里孵出了创世神盘古 。
According to legend, he nurtured a Long egg, from which the Creator God Pan Gu hatched.
因此 , 古人称他为 “ 创世神 ” 和 “ 造物神 ”。
Therefore, ancients called him the “Creator God” and the “Creator of Beings”.
女娲补天时 , 应龙从天上飞下来帮她 。
When Nu Wa mended the heavens, Ying Long flew down from heaven to help her.
他为女娲驾车 , 还给她送去了河图洛书 。
He drove the chariot for Nu Wa and brought her the He Tu and Luo Shu.
河图洛书帮助伏羲创造了八卦图 。
He Tu and Luo Shu helped Fu Xi create the Eight Trigrams.
应龙还教导了炎帝神农许多知识 。
Ying Long also taught Emperor Yan Di and Shen Nong many things.
作为战神 , 他是黄帝身边的大将军 。
As a war god, he was a great general at the side of Emperor Huang Di.
他杀了蚩尤 , 还斩了夸父 。
He killed Chi You and defeated Kua Fu.
黄帝铸成宝鼎后 , 骑着应龙升天成仙 。
After Emperor Huang Di cast the divine cauldron, he rode Ying Long to ascend to heaven and become an immortal.
大禹治水时 , 应龙又下凡来帮忙 。
When Da Yu controlled the floods, Ying Long descended to help again.
他把水神无支祁压在了龟山下 。
He pressed the water god Wu Zhi Qi under Turtle Mountain.
应龙用尾巴在地上画出江河 , 帮大禹治水 。
Ying Long drew rivers on the ground with his tail to help Da Yu control the floods.
传说龙门就是他开辟的 。
According to legend, the Long’s Gate was opened by him.
应龙背上长着双翼 , 鳞片金黄 , 羽翼五彩 。
Ying Long has wings on his back, with golden scales and colorful feathers.
他的武器是一把大钺 , 是龙的祖先 。
His weapon is a large axe, and he is the ancestor of Longs.
在龙族里 , 只有长翅膀的龙才算是真龙 。
In the Long world, only Longs with wings are considered true Longs.
至少在 2200 年前的先秦时期 , 应龙就有了掌控天象的力量和尊贵的地位 。
At least during the pre-Qin period, 2200 years ago, Ying Long already had the power to control celestial phenomena and a noble status.
但从唐宋开始 , 代表皇权的龙变成了无翼的黄龙 。
But from the Tang and Song dynasties, the Long representing imperial power became the wingless Yellow Long.
应龙还生了凤凰和麒麟 。
Ying Long also gave birth to the Feng Huang (Phoenix) and Qi Lin (unicorn).
麒麟是地上走兽的王 , 凤凰是天上飞禽的王 , 而应龙则是他们的共同祖先 。
Qi Lin is the king of terrestrial animals, and theFeng Huang is the king of flying birds, while Ying Long is their common ancestor.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!
It turns out that the originators of Chinese Longs had wings just like Western dragons! Were they all prototypes of pterodactyls?
Anything is possible!