Preface: Shun, one of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors of China, was an ordinary farmer, but he won the appreciation of Yao, the king of the country, and became the new ruler of the country. What did he do to make Yao look favorably upon him?
据说 , 舜的父亲瞽叟曾做个怪梦 。
It is said that Shun’s father, Gu Sou, had a strange dream.
瞽叟梦见凤凰衔稻米来喂他 , 说自己是 “ 鸡 ”, 将来会做他的子孙 。
Gu Sou dreamed that a phoenix fed him rice, saying that he was a “chicken” and that he would be his descendant in the future.
瞽叟醒来后很诧异 , 不明白梦的寓意 。
When he woke up, he was surprised and did not understand the meaning of the dream.
不久后 , 瞽叟的妻子生下儿子 , 取名舜 。
Shortly afterward, Gu Sou’s wife gave birth to a son named Shun.
舜的眼睛与众不同 , 有两个瞳孔 , 因此也叫重华 。
Shun’s eyes were unusual in that they had two pupils, hence the name Chong Hua.
舜在妫水边长大 , 除了眼睛特别 , 其他都很普通 。
Shun grew up by the Gui River and was ordinary except for his special eyes.
舜的母亲早逝 , 父亲再娶 , 生了弟弟象 。
Shun’s mother died early and his father remarried and gave birth to his younger brother, Xiang.
后母自私 , 偏袒象 , 对舜不好 。
His stepmother was selfish and favored Xiang, treating Shun badly.
象受母亲影响 , 也变得自私贪婪 。
Xiang was influenced by his mother and became selfish and greedy too.
父亲听信后母 , 认为舜不乖 , 总看他不顺眼 。
His father believed in his stepmother and thought that Shun was a bad boy, so he always looked at him in a bad light.
舜处境艰难 , 但以德报怨 , 孝顺父母 , 照顾弟弟 。
Shun was in a difficult situation, but he returned the favor by being filial to his parents and taking care of his younger brother.
舜的孝顺友爱很快传开 , 但后母仍想害他 。
Shun’s filial piety and love soon spread, but his stepmother still wanted to harm him.
舜只好离开家 , 独自住在历山脚下 。
Shun had no choice but to leave his home and live alone at the foot of Mt.
他用茅草搭屋 , 开垦荒地 , 生活虽苦 , 心情却好 。
He built his house with thatched grass and reclaimed the wasteland. Although his life was hard, he was in a good mood.
舜有感化人的能力 , 农民 、 渔夫 、 陶工都受他影响 , 变得谦让 、 勤劳 。
Shun had the ability to touch people. Farmers, fishermen and potters were all influenced by him and became humble and hardworking.
大家都愿和舜做邻居 , 他住的地方很快变成大城市 。
Everyone was willing to be Shun’s neighbor, and the place where he lived soon became a big city.
尧在找贤人 , 部落首领推荐舜 。
Yao was looking for a wise man, and the tribal leaders recommended Shun.
尧考察舜 , 把女儿娥皇 、 女英嫁给他 , 还给他财物和牛羊 。
Yao examined Shun and married his daughters, E Huang and Nu Ying, to him, and gave him wealth, cattle and sheep.
舜成了国君女婿 , 却不忘家人 , 回去看望 , 还带礼物 。
Shun became the son-in-law of the king, but he did not forget his family and went back to visit them, bringing gifts.
舜的妻子们勤快贤惠 , 操持家务 , 侍奉公婆 。
Shun’s wives were diligent and virtuous, and they took care of the household and served their in-laws.
后母和象嫉恨舜 , 想害他 , 但两次都被娥皇 、 女英识破 。
The stepmother and the Xiang hated Shun and tried to harm him, but both times they were discovered by E Huang and Nu Ying.
舜依然孝顺友爱家人 , 没改变 。
Shun remained filial and friendly to his family and did not change.
象又设计害舜 , 邀他吃饭 。
The Xiang again tried to harm Shun by inviting him to dinner.
舜问妻子们意见 , 她们让舜去 , 还给他防身的药粉 。
Shun asked his wives for their opinion, and they let him go and gave him a medicine powder to protect himself.
舜去赴宴 , 象和后母想灌醉他后杀他 。
When Shun went to the banquet, Xiang and his stepmother tried to kill him after getting him drunk.
但舜没醉 , 稳稳坐着 , 最后礼貌告辞 。
But Shun did not get drunk and sat steadily, and finally politely excused himself.
娥皇 、 女英把舜的事告诉尧 , 尧认为舜孝顺有才 , 决定传位给他 。
E Huang and Nu Ying told Yao about Shun, and Yao thought Shun was filial and talented, and decided to pass the throne to him.
尧先让舜学习政治 , 做官锻炼 。
Yao first asked Shun to study politics and exercise as an official.
尧考核舜 , 让他在风雨中走出山林 。
Yao assessed Shun and asked him to come out of the mountains and forests in the wind and rain.
舜内心坦荡 , 不怕野兽 , 冷静走出山林 。
Shun had an open heart and was not afraid of wild beasts, so he calmly walked out of the mountains.
人们为舜高兴 , 尧传位给他 。
People were happy for Shun and Yao passed the throne to him.
舜做国君后 , 仍孝顺家人 。
After Shun became the king of the country, he was still filial to his family.
家人被感动 , 向舜道歉 , 改掉恶习 。
The family was moved and apologized to Shun and changed their bad habits.
舜在位几十年 , 勤政爱民 , 是明君 。
Shun reigned for several decades and was a wise ruler who was diligent and loved the people.
舜退位时 , 没传给儿子 , 而是传给大禹 , 显示大公无私 。
When Shun abdicated, he did not pass the throne to his son but to Dayu, showing his impartiality.
舜晚年想巡视南方 , 告诉妻子 , 她们担心 , 但舜还是悄悄上路 。
When Shun wanted to tour the south in his later years, he told his wives and they were worried, but Shun quietly went on his way.
舜途中病逝 , 举国悲痛 , 葬在九嶷山 。
When Shun fell ill and died on the way, the nation grieved and was buried in Jiuyi Mountain.
娥皇 、 女英赶去奔丧 , 途中泪如雨下 , 泪水洒在竹林 , 形成斑竹 。
E Huang and Nu Ying rushed to the funeral, and on the way, their tears fell like rain, and they spilled their tears on the bamboo forests, forming spotted bamboos.
她们到湘水时 , 遇大浪 , 溺水而亡 , 成为湘水水灵 。
When they arrived at Xiangshui, they met a big wave and drowned, becoming Xiangshui water spirits.
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