Preface: Tao Tie (饕餮), also known as Pao Xiao (狍鸮), is a vicious and gluttonous beast in ancient Chinese mythology, one of the four great beasts.
Tao Tie is a monster told in ancient Chinese mythology, and it is known as one of the Four Great Beasts, along with “Qiong Qi”, “táo wù” and “Hun Dun (Chaos)”.
根据一本叫 《 山海经 》 的古书描述 : 饕餮的样子就像是羊的身体上长了人的脸 , 它的眼睛长在胳肢窝下面 , 长着老虎的牙齿和人的爪子 , 发出的声音却像小宝宝哭一样 。
According to an ancient book called “The Classic of Mountains and Seas”, Tao Tie looks like a goat with a human face on its body, its eyes are under the armpits, it has the teeth of a tiger and the claws of a human being, and the sound it makes is like a little baby crying.
它特别能吃 , 看到什么就吃什么 , 连人都不放过 。
It is particularly good at eating, and eats whatever it sees, even human beings.
有个说法是 , 因为它吃得实在太多了 , 最后连自己的身体都给吃光了 , 就剩下一个大大的脑袋和一张超级大的嘴巴 。
There is a saying that because it ate so much, it eventually ate up even its own body, leaving a big head and a super-sized mouth.
因此 , 人们把它是贪欲的象征 , 常用来形容贪食或贪得无厌的人 。
Therefore, people take it to be a symbol of greed, and it is often used to describe people who are gluttonous or insatiable.
另有传说它是龙的九个孩子中的一个 , 但这个说法比较小众 。
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!