Preface: The Zhu Que(朱雀),the Vermilion Bird, is a southern god-beast. The south is fire, and bird totems such as the Vermilion Bird often belonged to sun worship in ancient mythology.
Zhu Que( 朱雀 ),the Vermilion Bird, is one of the Four Celestial Spirits in ancient Chinese mythology, originating from the ancient worship of constellations.
它是代表炎帝与南方七宿的南方之神 , 于八卦为离 , 于五行主火 , 象征四象中的老阳 , 四季中的夏季 。
It represents Emperor Yan and the seven southern constellations, the element of fire in the Five Elements, and symbolizes the old yang in the Four Symbols and summer in the Four Seasons.
朱雀形象为红色的鸟 , 羽毛五彩斑斓 , 闪耀光芒 。
The Zhu Que is depicted as a red bird with colorful and radiant feathers.
朱雀在中国古代文化中有着非常重要的地位 , 被视为吉祥的象征 , 代表着幸福 、 美好 、 繁荣和富贵 。
It holds a significant place in ancient Chinese culture, symbolizing good fortune, happiness, prosperity, and wealth.
朱雀的起源可以追溯到殷商早期的甲骨文 , 上面已有朱雀等四象的形象 。
The origin of the Zhu Que can be traced back to the oracle bone inscriptions of the early Yin and Shang dynasties, where images of the Four Celestial Spirits, including the Zhu Que, already existed.
朱雀在汉代被道教吸纳为护法神 。
In the Han Dynasty, the Zhu Que was absorbed into Taoism as a protective deity.
现代很多人将其与凤凰混淆 , 但实际上朱雀与凤凰存在极大不同 。
Many people today confuse it with the Feng Huang (the Phoenix), but in reality, there are significant differences between the Zhu Que and the Feng Huang.
研究表明 , 凤凰的形象多有朱雀演变而来 。
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!