Preface: In ancient Chinese mythology, the Jian Ma is an extremely mysterious and honorable creature. It not only possessed extraordinary appearance, but also played an important role in the heavenly realm.
Jian Ma, also known as Long Ma, was born from Ying Long and Tian Ma.
它拥有马的身体 , 却长着龙的尾巴 , 浑身覆盖着闪耀的龙鳞 , 背部还生有羽翼 。
It has the body of a horse but the tail of Long, is covered with shining Long scales, and has feathered wings on its back.
建马的飞行速度可以用 “ 一瞬千里 ” 来形容 , 这使其在天界中成为极为罕见的存在 。
The speed of the Jian Ma can be described as “a thousand miles in an instant”, which makes it an extremely rare existence in the Heavenly Realm.
在天界 , 建马主要负责传递重要信息 , 是战争中的最佳坐骑 。
In the Celestial Realm, Jian Ma is mainly responsible for delivering important information, and is the best mount in war.
在战场上 , 建马能够瞬息千里地穿梭于敌我之间 , 为战斗的胜利立下汗马功劳 。
On the battlefield, the Jian Ma can travel thousands of miles in an instant between the enemy and us, contributing to the victory of the battle.
骑乘着建马的将士们 , 往往能够在战场上获得更大的优势 , 成为敌人闻风丧胆的存在 。
The generals who rode on Jian Ma were often able to gain a greater advantage on the battlefield, and became the existence of the enemy’s fear.
这种超凡的能力与尊贵的地位 , 使得建马在神话传说中成为了一个备受尊崇的存在 。
This extraordinary ability and noble status made the Jian Ma a highly revered presence in myths and legends.
建马还孕育出了更为神奇的麒麟 。 麒麟作为古代神话中的瑞兽 , 象征着吉祥和和平 。
Jian Ma also gave birth to the even more magical Qi Lin. The Qi Lin, a mythical beast of ancient times, symbolizes good fortune and peace.
建马不仅在天界中扮演着重要的角色 , 在古代文化中也被赋予了丰富的寓意 。
Not only does the Jian Ma play an important role in the heavenly realm, it is also imbued with rich symbolism in ancient cultures.
它象征着生命的力量和自然的神奇 , 代表着新生 、 希望和力量 。
It symbolizes the power of life and the magic of nature, representing new life, hope and strength.
在古代文化中 , 建马被视为一种吉祥的象征 , 常常用于传统建筑 、 工艺品和文学作品中 , 以表达忠诚 、 勇猛 、 勤勉和诚实的品质 。
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!