Preface: Qi Lin (麒麟), is an ancient Chinese mythological beast, should the Ying Long born Jian Ma, Jian Ma born Qi Lin, and “Long (dragon)”, “Feng (phoenix)”, “Gui (tortoise)”, “Pi Xiu “and known as the five auspicious creatures.
Qi Lin is a divine beast in ancient China.
它是应龙生的建马 , 再由建马生的 。
It is said to be born from Jian Ma, which is born from Ying Long.
它和龙 、 凤 、 龟 、 貔貅一起 , 被称为五大瑞兽 。
Together with Long (dragon), Feng (phoenix), Gui (tortoise), and Pi Xiu, it is known as the five auspicious creatures.
麒麟长着狮头 , 狼的蹄子 , 头顶圆圆的 。
Qi Lin has a lion’s head, a wolf’s hooves, and a round top of its head.
它身体五颜六色 , 大约四米高 , 身体像麝鹿 , 尾巴像龙尾 , 还有龙鳞和两只角 。
Its body is colorful, about four meters tall, resembling a musk deer in body shape, with a dragon-like tail, Long scales, and two horns.
它能吐火 , 声音像雷声 , 平时很慈祥 , 但发怒时非常凶猛 。
It can spit fire and make thunder-like sounds. It is kind usually, but fierce when angry.
麒麟很长寿 , 能活两千年 , 代表太平和长寿 。
Qi Lin lives a very long life, up to 2,000 years, symbolizing peace and longevity.
古人认为麒麟是仁爱的动物 , 雄性叫麒 , 雌性叫麟 。
Ancient people believed Qi Lin to be a benevolent creature, with males called Qi and females Lin.
人们觉得麒麟出现的地方 , 就会有吉祥的事情 。
They thought that wherever Qi Lin appears, there would be good fortune.
有时 , 麒麟也用来比喻有才华 、 品德好的人 。
Sometimes, Qi Lin is also used to metaphorically describe people with outstanding talent and virtue.
《 山海经 》 说 , 麒麟是黄帝的坐骑 , 是天神给的 , 帮助黄帝统一中原 。
According to ”Shan Hai Jing”, Qi Lin was the steed of Huang Di (the Yellow Emperor), given by celestial beings to help unify the Central Plains.
孔子出生时 , 有麒麟出现在孔家 , 人们觉得它带来了吉祥和智慧 。
When Kong Zi (the Confucius) was born, a Qi Lin appeared in his courtyard, which people believed brought good fortune and wisdom.
所以 , 麒麟也是孔子的象征 , 代表圣人降临 , 教导大家 。
Therefore, Qi Lin also became a symbol of Kong Zi, representing the descent of a saint to educate people.
这个传说显示了麒麟在儒家文化中的重要性 。
This legend shows the importance of Qi Lin in Confucian culture.
传说麒麟还能给人带来孩子 , 所以很多人拜它求子 。
Legend has it that Qi Lin can also bring children to people, so many people worship it to seek offspring.
在中国古代 , 很多朝廷也用麒麟作为吉祥物 , 宫殿 、 庙宇常用它和龙凤装饰 。
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!