Preface: The Nan Hai Long Wang (the South Sea Long King)is a deity in ancient Chinese mythology, named Ao Qin. He is the leader of the South Sea Long Clan and is a deity appointed by the Yu Di (the Jade Emperor) to manage the southern ocean. His responsibilities include managing the creatures in the ocean, managing the wind and rain in the human world, and commanding countless shrimp, soldiers, and crab generals.
在中国古代神话里 , 南海龙王是四海龙王之一 。
In ancient Chinese mythology, the Nan Hai Long Wang (the South Sea Long King) is one of the Four Sea Long Kings.
他管理着无边无际的南海 , 非常有名 , 人们都很敬畏他 。
He governs the vast South Sea and is very famous, and people hold him in awe.
他是龙族的领袖 , 代表着海洋的神秘和力量 。
He is a leader of the Long clan, representing the mystery and power of the ocean.
人们也希望他能带来好天气和渔业丰收 。
People also hope he can bring good weather and abundant fish catches.
在古代中国 , 龙是最尊贵的动物 , 象征皇权 、 力量和吉祥 。
In ancient China, the Long is the most noble animal, symbolizing imperial power, strength, and auspiciousness.
四海龙王分别管理东 、 南 、 西 、 北四海 。
The Four Sea Long Kings respectively govern the East, South, West, and North Seas.
南海龙王敖钦 , 因为南海物产丰富 , 所以特别有名 。
The Nan Hai Long Wang, Ao Qin, is particularly famous because the South Sea is rich in resources.
关于南海龙王的故事有很多 , 有的故事里他还帮助过人类 。
There are many stories about the Nan Hai Long Wang, and in some, he even helps humans.
有一个故事说 , 南海龙王看到渔民总是遇到海难 , 很同情他们 。
One story says that the Nan Hai Long Wang felt sympathy for fishermen who always encountered shipwrecks.
他就派自己的孩子变成人 , 帮助渔民预测天气 、 指引方向 , 还救了很多人的命 。
He sent his children to turn into humans to help fishermen predict the weather, guide their directions, and even saved many lives.
这些故事让人们对南海龙王更加尊敬 , 渔民出海前都要向他祈福 。
These stories made people more respectful of the Nan Hai Long Wang, and fishermen always prayed to him before going to sea.
南海龙王还是自然界的平衡者 , 能控制风雨雷电 , 影响海水的涨落 。
The Nan Hai Long Wang is also the balancer of nature, able to control wind, rain, thunder, and lightning, and influence the rise and fall of sea water.
沿海的居民会在节日或渔汛时祭祀他 , 祈求平安和丰收 。
Residents along the coast would sacrifice to him during festivals or fishing seasons, praying for peace and harvest.
这体现了人与自然和谐相处的理念 。
This reflects the traditional idea of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.
在艺术作品里 , 南海龙王常被画成穿着华丽龙袍 、 戴着龙冠的样子 。
In artistic works, the Nan Hai Long Wang is often depicted wearing a gorgeous Long robe and Long crown.
他手里有龙珠或龙杖 , 身边有虾兵蟹将 , 显得非常尊贵 。
He holds a Long ball or Long staff in his hand, surrounded by shrimp soldiers and crab generals, appearing very noble.
无论是在古代壁画 、 雕塑 , 还是现代文学 、 电影里 , 南海龙王都很受欢迎 。
Whether in ancient murals, sculptures, or modern literature, films, the Nan Hai Long Wang is very popular.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!