Preface: Pressing the New Year’s Eve is a Chinese New Year’s Day folk custom in which adults wrap money in red paper for children to express their blessings, which is Pressing the New Year’s Eve money also known as red envelopes. Did you know? Initially, New Year’s money did not refer to coins.
压岁是中国年俗 , 又称压祟 , 意思是辟邪驱鬼 , 保佑平安 。
Ya sui (压岁,Pressing the New Year’s Eve)Pressing the New Year’s Eve is a Chinese New Year custom, also known as Ya sui (压祟driving away evil spirits), meaning to ward off evil spirits and bring peace.
压岁钱是年俗中的一个物品 , 代表了中国劳动人民的美好愿望 , 希望驱邪 、 避灾 、 祈福 。
Ya Sui Qian (压岁钱,Pressing the New Year’s Eve money) is one of the items in the New Year customs, representing the good wishes of Chinese working people for driving away evil, avoiding disasters, and praying for blessings.
古时候有一种妖怪叫 “ 祟 ”, 喜欢在年三十晚上摸孩子的头 , 被摸的孩子会变傻 。
In ancient times, there was a monster called “Sui (祟) ” that liked to touch children’s heads on New Year’s Eve, and the touched children would become fools.
一对老夫妇用 8 枚铜钱保护孩子 , 当 “ 祟 ” 来时 , 铜钱发光 , 吓跑了妖怪 。
An old couple used eight copper coins to protect their child. When “Sui” came, the coins emitted light and scared away the monster.
人们认为铜钱是八仙的化身 , 保护孩子 , 因 “ 祟 ” 与 “ 岁 ” 同音 , 后来称 “ 守祟 ” 为 “ 守岁 ”。
People believed that the copper coins were the incarnations of the Eight Immortals protecting the child. Because “Sui” and “Sui” are homophones, later people called “guarding against Sui” as “staying up late on New Year’s Eve”.
大年三十晚上 , 家长会给孩子铜钱 , 祈求平安 。
On New Year’s Eve, parents would give their children copper coins to pray for peace.
压岁钱最初是用来镇恶驱邪的 , 不是流通货币 , 而是一种装饰品 。
Initially, Ya Sui Qian was used to ward off evil spirits, not as currency in circulation, but as an ornament.
最早的压岁钱出现在汉代 , 后来逐渐演变为春节长辈给小孩的压岁钱 。
The earliest Ya Sui Qian appeared during the Han Dynasty, and later gradually evolved into the custom of elders giving Yaxue money to children during the Spring Festival.
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