Preface: The plague gods in Chinese folklore. They are Spring Plague Zhang Yuanbo, Summer Plague Liu Yuanda, Autumn Plague Zhao Gongming, Winter Plague Zhong Shiji, and General Manager of Plague History and Literature, also known as the “Five Ghosts” or “Five Blessings Emperor” or “Five Spirit Lords”. They are the gods of plague worshipped by the Chinese people. Every year, some temples worship five ghosts to ensure the safety of livestock, referring to these five ghosts. It embodies the beautiful wishes of the Chinese working people to dispel evil, avoid disasters, and pray for blessings.
相传 , 在很久很久以前 , 福州地区有五位寒儒 。
They say, a long, long time ago, there were five poor scholars in the Fuzhou area.
他们分别是张元伯 、 钟士秀 、 刘元达 、 史文业和赵公明 。
They were Zhang Yuanbo, Zhong Shixiu, Liu Yuanda, Shi Wenye, and Zhao Gongming.
一天晚上 , 他们相约一起出去游玩 。
One night, they agreed to go out and play together.
在游玩的过程中 , 他们意外发现瘟鬼正在井里偷偷释放疫毒 。
During their outing, they unexpectedly discovered that a plague ghost was secretly releasing poison in a well.
看到这一幕 , 五位寒儒非常着急 , 他们知道疫毒会危害百姓 。
Seeing this, the five scholars were very worried. They knew the poison would harm the people.
于是 , 他们决定牺牲自己 , 一起跳进井里 , 用生命来警示世人 。
So, they decided to sacrifice themselves and jumped into the well together, using their lives to warn the world.
玉皇大帝知道了这件事后 , 非常感动 。
After the Jade Emperor learned of this, he was very moved.
他封这五位寒儒为显灵公 、 应灵公 、 宣灵公 、 扬灵公和振灵公 。
He appointed the five scholars as Xianling Gong, Yingling Gong, Xuanling Gong, Yangling Gong, and Zhenling Gong.
人们合称他们为 “ 五灵公 ”。
People collectively called them “Five Spirit Lords.”
五灵公专门负责在人间驱除瘟疫 , 保护百姓的安全 。
The Five Spirit Lords were specifically responsible for driving away plagues on earth and protecting the safety of the people.
他们的勇敢和牺牲精神 , 至今仍被福州人民所传颂 。
Their bravery and sacrificial spirit are still celebrated by the people of Fuzhou to this day.
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