Preface: This story is widely spread in Chinese folklore, telling people to cherish what they currently have and not to be too greedy.
很久很久以前 , 玉皇大帝派敖广治理东海 。
A long time ago, Yu Huang Da DI (the Jade Emperor) sent Ao Guang to govern the East Sea.
东海只有现在的一半大 , 靠西的大洋都是东京辖地 。
The East Sea was only half its current size, and the vast ocean to the west belonged to the Dong Jing..
敖广想扩展地盘 , 但北有北海 , 南有南海 , 都有玉帝的界碑 。
Ao Guang wanted to expand his territory, but there were boundary markers of Yu Huang Da Di in the North Sea to the north and the South Sea to the south.
唯有东海与东京的壤界 , 玉帝没有立碑 。
The only boundary between the East Sea and the Dong Jing was not marked by a monument from Yu Huang Da Di.
敖广与七须龙王商量 , 想并吞东京 。
Ao Guang plotted with the Seven-Whisker Long (Dragon) King to annex the Dong Jing.
敖广送奇珍异宝给妙庄王 , 还将龙女嫁给妙庄王 。
Ao Guang sent precious treasures to King Miaozhuang and even gave his sixth daughter to the king as a concubine.
(Remarks: King Miaozhuang is the father of Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy in Buddhist legend.)
妙庄王迷恋龙女 , 不理朝政 , 东京衰败 。
King Miaozhuang became obsessed with the Long (dragon) princess and neglected his duties, leading to the decline of the Dong Jing.
敖广上奏天庭 , 恳请玉帝塌掉东京 。
Ao Guang petitioned the Heavenly Court, requesting Yu Huang Da Di to destroy the Dong Jing.
玉帝准奏 , 但被吕洞宾阻止 。
Yu Huang Da Di agreed but was stopped by Lu Dong Bin.
吕洞宾说 , 这样会冤屈东京的善者 。
Lu Dong Bin said it would wrong the good people in the Dong Jing.
吕洞宾下凡 , 检查东京是否有善者 。
Lu Dong Bin descended to Earth to check if there were any good people in the Eastern Capital.
吕洞宾开了家 “ 勿过秤油店 ”, 油随便拿 , 只收三个铜钱 。
Lu Dong Bin opened an “Unweighed Oil Shop,” where people could take as much oil as they wanted for just three copper coins.
葛虹用三个铜钱买了一瓶油 , 母亲让她还回多余的油 。
Ge Hong bought a full bottle of oil with three copper coins and her mother asked her to return the excess.
葛虹把油还回 , 吕洞宾给她一个葫芦瓢 , 让她看石狮子是否出血 。
Ge Hong returned the oil, and Lu Dong Bin gave her a gourd ladle, telling her to watch for blood on the stone lions.
七须龙杀猪 , 把猪血泼在石狮子上 。
The Seven-Whisker Long King killed a pig and poured its blood on the stone lions.
葛虹看到石狮子出血 , 石狮子飞走 , 城门倒塌 , 地开始塌陷 。
Ge Hong saw the bloody stone lions, which flew away, causing the city gate to collapse and the ground to sink.
葛虹和母亲用葫芦瓢变成的小船逃生 。
Ge Hong and her mother escaped using the boat transformed from the gourd ladle.
小船漂到古樟树下 , 吕洞宾在树上 , 葛虹救他上船 。
The boat drifted to an ancient camphor tree where Lu Dong Bin was, and Ge Hong rescued him onto the boat.
吕洞宾让葛虹把杂物放地上 , 四周成了汪洋大海 , 只有放杂物的地方没事 。
Lu Dong Bin told Ge Hong to put household items on the ground, and amid the surrounding sea, only those places remained safe.
葫芦船变成了舟山岛 , 葛虹母女歇着的地方成了岱山岛 。
The gourd boat turned into Zhoushan Island, and where Ge Hong and her mother rested became Daishan Island.
塌东京的波浪平息后 , 敖广的子孙占领了舟山海域 。
After the waves subsided, the descendants of Ao Guang occupied various bays and holes in the Zhoushan Sea area.
妙庄王失去东京 , 玉帝让他治理崇明岛 , 两千年后再回东京为王 。
King Miaozhuang lost the Dong Jing and was given Chongming Island to govern by Yu Huang Da Di, with the promise to return to the Dong Jing as king after two thousand years.
因此 , 流传下这样的歌谣 : 涨崇明 , 要还东京地 , 再过两千年 !
Thus, the following ballad spread: “Rise Chongming, reclaim the land of the Dong Jing, after another two thousand years!”
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