Preface: Dui Lian (Couplets) are a treasure of traditional Chinese culture and a unique art form of the Chinese language with one character and one sound. As a custom, it has been passed down and spread among Chinese people and even among peoples who use the Chinese language and have cultural origins in Chinese characters around the world, expressing the good wishes of the Chinese working people to ward off evils and disasters, and to welcome auspiciousness and good fortune.
对联 , 又叫对偶 、 门对 、 春贴等 , 是一种写在纸 、 布上或刻在竹 、 木 、 柱上的成对语句 。
Dui Lian (Couplets), also known as dual-phrase, door couplets, spring couplets, etc., are paired sentences written on paper, cloth, or carved on bamboo, wood, or pillars.
它注重字数的匹配 、 音调的和谐以及结构的对应 。
They emphasize the matching of word count, harmonic tone, and corresponding structure.
对联的起源可以追溯到秦朝 , 那时它被称为桃符 。 而有确切记载的最早对联 , 则出现在中国的五代十国时期 。
The origin of couplets can be traced back to the Qin Dynasty, where they were called taofu. The earliest couplets with definite records appeared during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period in China.
对联最核心的特点就是 “ 对仗 ”。
The core characteristic of couplets is “duality”.
无论是口头表达还是书面记录 , 都要遵循对仗的原则 。
Whether expressed orally or written down, they must follow the principle of duality.
那么 , 对仗具体指的是什么呢 ?
So, what does duality specifically refer to?
一般来说 , 它要求字数相等 、 词性相对 、 平仄协调 、 句法一致 。
Generally speaking, it requires equal word count, corresponding parts of speech, coordinated tones, and consistent syntax.
其中 , 字数相等和平仄协调是最为关键的 。
Among them, equal word count and coordinated tones are the most crucial.
这里的字数相等 , 并不是指英语单词数量的相等 , 而是指音节的相等 。
The equal word count here does not refer to the equality of English word numbers, but to the equality of syllables.
比如 , 在英语中 ,“car” 和 “jeep” 单词数量相等 , 但音节不同 ;
For example, in English, “car” and “jeep” have an equal number of words, but different syllables;
而在汉语中 ,“ 卡车 ” 和 “ 吉普 ” 不仅单词数量相等 , 音节也相等 。
While in Chinese, “kache” (truck) and “jipu” (jeep) not only have an equal number of words, but also equal syllables.
这是因为汉语是以单音节为基本单位的语言 , 音节 、 语素 、 文字是紧密相连的 。
This is because Chinese is a language with monosyllabic words as its basic unit, and syllables, morphemes, and characters are closely linked.
对联由上联和下联组成 , 文字长短不一 , 短的只有一两个字 , 长的可达几百字 。
Couplets are composed of an upper couplet and a lower couplet, with varying lengths of text, ranging from just one or two characters for the short ones to several hundred characters for the long ones.
对联的形式多样 , 有正对 、 反对等 。
Couplets have various forms, such as positive couplets and negative couplets.
但无论哪种形式 , 都必须具备以下特点 : 字数相等 、 断句一致 ; 音调和谐 ; 词性相对且位置相同 ; 内容相关且上下衔接 。
Regardless of the form, they must possess the following characteristics: equal word count and consistent sentence breaks; harmonic tone; corresponding parts of speech and identical positions; related content and coherent upper and lower couplets.
与对联紧密相连的还有横批 , 它就像对联的标题 , 也是对联的中心思想 。
Closely related to couplets are horizontal inscriptions, which serve as the title and central idea of the couplets.
一个好的横批能起到锦上添花的作用 , 使对联更加完整 。
A good horizontal inscription can enhance the couplets, making them more complete.
根据用途的不同 , 对联可以分为多种类型 。
Based on their purpose, couplets can be divided into various types.
比如 , 春节期间专用的对联叫 “ 春联 ”;
For example, the couplets used during the Spring Festival are called “Spring Couplets”;
庆祝寿诞 、 婚嫁 、 乔迁 、 生子 、 开业等喜庆场合用的对联叫 “ 贺联 ”;
The couplets used to celebrate happy occasions such as birthdays, weddings, moving into a new home, the birth of a child, and the opening of a business are called “Congratulations Couplets”;
哀悼死者用的对联叫 “ 挽联 ”;
The couplets used to mourn the deceased are called “Mourning Couplets”;
而刻在风景名胜处的对联则被称为 “ 名胜联 ”。
While the couplets carved at scenic spots are called “Scenic Spot Couplets”.
按照传统 , 张挂的对联应该直写竖贴 , 从右至左 , 由上而下 , 不能颠倒 。
According to tradition, the couplets that are hung up should be written vertically and posted from right to left, from top to bottom, and cannot be reversed.
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