Preface: Si Hai Long Wang is a god honored by the Chinese people. It is the general name of the Long (Dragon) King of the East Sea, the Long King of the South Sea, the Long King of the West Sea and the Long King of the North Sea. The Long
King is the god who manages the weather and wind of the ocean and the earth.
中国龙文化源远流长 , 已经有 8000 年的悠久历史 。
The Long (dragon) culture in China has a long history, stretching back 8,000 years.
龙的形象在中国社会中无处不在 , 渗透到了各个角落 。
The image of the Long is omnipresent in Chinese society, penetrating into every corner.
龙的影响力巨大 , 涉及到了文化的方方面面 。
The influence of the Long is immense, involving various aspects of culture.
龙是由九种动物融合而成的神秘生物 。
The Long is a mysterious creature formed by the fusion of nine animals.
它既能飞上天空 , 又能潜入海底 , 还能呼风唤雨 。
It can fly up to the sky, dive into the seabed, and even summon wind and rain.
因此 , 龙被视为灵兽之王 。
Therefore, the Long is regarded as the king of sacred animals.
龙也是华夏儿女团结的象征 。
The Long is also a symbol of unity among the Chinese people.
中国历代帝王都把龙当作君王的象征 。
Chinese emperors of all dynasties saw the Long as a symbol of the monarch.
他们多次下诏封龙为王 , 祈求国家风调雨顺 。
They issued imperial edicts many times to make the Long a king, praying for favorable weather and abundant harvests in the country.
在民间文学和艺术作品中 , 龙的形象被赋予了人性 。
In folk literature and art, the image of the Long is endowed with humanity.
有的海龙王为人民造福 , 有的却给人民带来灾难 。
Some sea Longs bring blessings to the people, while others bring disasters.
龙王是民间信仰的重要神灵之一 。
The Long King is one of the important deities in folk beliefs.
他是佛教经典中的龙王和中国古代龙神信仰的结合 。
He is the combination of the Long King in Buddhist scriptures and the ancient Chinese Long deity worship.
由于中国文化的传播 , 日本也有很多人信仰龙王 。
Due to the spread of Chinese culture, many people in Japan also believe in the Long King.
龙王被认为掌管着海洋中的所有生物 。
The Long King is believed to be in charge of all creatures in the ocean.
在人间 , 他负责刮风和下雨 。
In the human world, he is responsible for wind and rain.
所以 , 在水旱灾害频繁的地区 , 龙王常被百姓供奉 。
So, in areas with frequent floods and droughts, the Long King is often worshipped by the people.
有四位大龙王 , 他们分别管理着四个方向的大海 , 被称为四海龙王 。
There are four major Long Kings, who manage the seas in the four directions respectively, known as the Si Hai Long Wang (the Four Sea Long Kings).
他们是东海的广德王敖广 、 南海的广利王敖钦 、 西海的广顺王敖 , 以及北海的广泽王敖顺 。
They are the Guangde King Ao Guang of the East Sea, the Guangli King Ao Qin of the South Sea, the Guangshun King Ao of the West Sea, and the Guangze King Ao Shun of the North Sea.
小龙王则存在于各种水域 , 管理着江河湖泊 , 甚至是小水井 。
Minor Long Kings exist in various waters, managing rivers, lakes, and even small wells.
龙王通常被描绘成龙头人身的形象 。
The Long King is usually depicted as having a Long head and a human body.
四海龙王中 , 东海龙王敖广地位最高 , 其次是南海龙王 , 然后是西海龙王 , 北海龙王地位最低 。
Among the Si Hai Long Wang, the East Sea Long King Ao Guang has the highest status, followed by the South Sea Long King, then the West Sea Long King, and the North Sea Long King has the lowest status.
四海龙王是各大海洋中龙族的首领 , 他们在天庭中挂职 。
The Si Hai Long Wang are the leaders of the Long clan in the major oceans. They hold positions in Heaven.
作为海洋之神 , 四海龙王远离天界 , 身份比较特殊 。
As gods of the sea, the Si Hai Long Wang are far away from Heaven, and their status is relatively special.
他们在神灵中享有较大的自治权 , 天宫一般让他们自主管理海洋事务 。
They enjoy greater autonomy among the deities. The Heavenly Palace generally allows them to manage ocean affairs autonomously.
龙王有子孙后代 , 他们生活在下界 。
The Long King has descendants who live in the lower world.
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