Preface: Hou Tu (后土), the central god in ancient Chinese mythology who aided Zhong Yang Tian Di (the central heavenly emperor) Huang Di (黃帝), is one of the honored deities in Taoist mythology. She is also the King of You Ming, the lord of the Underworld.
古时候有个传说 , 后土是炎帝一族的血脉 。
In ancient times, there was a legend that Hou Tu was a descendant of the Yan Di’s family.
她是水神共工所生的孩子 。
She was the child born to the water god Gong Gong.
早期 , 后土没有固定的性别形象 。
In early times, Hou Tu did not have a fixed gender image.
但汉代时 , 人们开始把她当作女神来崇拜 , 尊称为 “ 后土娘娘 ”。
But during the Han Dynasty, people began to worship her as a goddess and respectfully called her “Hou Tu Niang Niang”.
到了宋代 , 道教将后土列为至高无上的神祇之一 。
By the Song Dynasty, Taoism listed Hou Tu as one of the supreme deities.
在道教 “ 四御 ” 中 , 后土位居第四 , 掌管天地间的阴阳调和 、 万物之美 , 以及大地的壮丽景色 。
Among the “Si Yu”(the Four Emperors) in Taoism, Hou Tu ranks fourth, governing the harmony between yin and yang, the beauty of all things, and the magnificent scenery of the earth.
人们亲切地称她为 “ 大地母亲 ” 或 “ 地母 ”。
People affectionately call her the “Di Mu Niang Niang” or “Di Mu”, the Mother of the Earth.
她与天上的玉皇大帝相互对应 , 共同守护着天地 。
She corresponds with Yu Huang Da Di (the Jade Emperor) in the heavens, jointly guarding the heavens and the earth.
中国古代常说 “ 皇天后土 ”, 足以看出后土神的尊贵地位 。
The ancient Chinese often said “Huang Tian Hou Tu”, which shows the noble status of the Hou Tu god.
在民间 , 后土神是大家非常熟悉的神灵 。
Among the people, the Hou Tu god is a very familiar deity.
她就是大家口中的 “ 地母娘娘 ”。
She is the “Di Mu Niang Niang” that everyone knows.
后土神的信仰源自古人对土地的敬畏 。
The belief in the Hou Tu god originates from the ancients’ awe of the land.
这是农耕社会的一种基本信仰 。
This is a basic belief in agricultural society.
后土神的形象总是与农业和生育紧密相连 。
The image of the Hou Tu god is always closely linked to agriculture and fertility.
她是农耕文明中的女神象征 。
She is the symbolic goddess in agricultural civilization.
后土代表着大地的丰饶和农作物的丰收 。
Hou Tu represents the fertility of the earth and the harvest of crops.
同时 , 她也象征着女性的生育力量 , 被视为生育的庇护者 。
At the same time, she also symbolizes women’s fertility power and is regarded as the protector of fertility.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!