Preface: This is a folk tale of human beings’ victory over the immortal gods in chess, expressing the spirit of people’s courageous challenge and defiance.
东海有一个著名的乘山渔场 , 一年四季鱼虾不断 。
In the East Sea, there is a famous fishing ground called Chengshan. It is full of fish and shrimp all year round.
传说早先这里海水混浊 , 鱼虾稀少 , 根本不成渔场 。
According to legend, a long time ago, the sea water here was turbid, and there were few fish and shrimp, so it couldn’t be considered a fishing ground at all.
后来 , 岛上出现了一个名叫陈棋的孩子 , 他下棋很厉害 , 甚至赢了神仙 。
Later, a child named Chen Qi appeared on the island. He was very skilled at playing chess and even defeated a god.
陈棋从小爱下棋 , 白天讲下棋 , 晚上梦下棋 , 棋艺越来越好 。
Chen Qi loved playing chess since childhood. He talked about chess during the day and dreamed about it at night. His chess skills became better and better.
大家都叫他 “ 东海棋怪 ”, 这事传到了东海龙王敖广的耳朵里 。
Everyone called him the “Chess Monster of the East Sea”. This news spread to the ears of the Long King of the East Sea, Ao Guang.
敖广也是个棋迷 , 他想看看陈棋有多厉害 。
Ao Guang was also a chess enthusiast. He wanted to see how skilled Chen Qi was.
他变成一个渔夫 , 来到乘山找陈棋下棋 。
He turned into a fisherman and came to Chengshan to find Chen Qi and play chess with him.
敖广和陈棋开始下棋 , 陈棋用一只拐脚马就把敖广逼入了绝境 。
Ao Guang and Chen Qi began to play chess. Chen Qi used a crippled horse to force Ao Guang into a desperate situation.
敖广输了 , 但他不服气 , 要求再来一局 。
Ao Guang lost, but he was not satisfied and demanded to play again.
陈棋笑笑说 :“ 你下棋的本领我已经知道了 , 不必再下吧 。”
Chen Qi smiled and said, “I already know your chess skills. There’s no need to play again.”
敖广非常生气 , 现出真身 , 威胁陈棋说 , 如果输了就要年年进献鱼鲜 。
Ao Guang became very angry and revealed his true form. He threatened Chen Qi that if he lost, he would have to present fish and shrimp every year.
陈棋答应了 , 两人再次下棋 。 敖广请来了师父南斗仙翁帮忙 , 但还是输了 。
Chen Qi agreed, and they played chess again. Ao Guang asked his master, Nan Dou Xian Wweng, for help, but he still lost.
南斗仙翁发现陈棋是北斗棋盘上的棋子变的 , 他们不是对手 , 只好离开 。
Nan Dou Xian Weng discovered that Chen Qi was a chess piece from Bei Dou’s chessboard. They knew they couldn’t defeat him and had to leave.
那盘棋掉进东海后 , 变成了星罗棋布的小岛 。
The chessboard and pieces fell into the East Sea and turned into scattered islands.
从此 , 东海龙王兑现诺言 , 年年进献鱼鲜 , 乘山渔场也变得兴旺起来 。
From then on, the Long King of the East Sea kept his promise and presented fish and shrimp every year. The Chengshan fishing ground became prosperous.
一座座岛屿都成了渔民们保养生息的好地方 。
The islands became good places for fishermen to live and work.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!