Preface: Wu Fang Tian Di (The Five Heavenly Emperors) refer to the Heavenly Emperors in the five directions of East, South, West, North, and Central in ancient Chinese mythology. Wu Fang Tian Di are divided into Xian Tian Wu Di (the Five Innate Emperors) and Hou Tian Wu Di (the Five Acquired Emperors). Xian Tian Wu Di were all divine beings born before the creation of heaven and earth. Hou Tian Wu Di are the five ancient sages and masters of China, and people believe that they will also become gods after death.
五方天帝分别配五行五色 , 金木水火土 , 白青玄赤黄 。
Wu Fang Tian Di are respectively paired with the Wu Xing (the Five Elements) and Five Colors, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, white, green, black, red, and yellow.
后天五帝成员有不同的说法 , 较为流行的说法为东方青帝是太昊 ( 木 )、 南方赤帝是神农 ( 火 )、 中央黄帝是轩辕 ( 土 )、 西方白帝是少昊 ( 金 )、 北方黑帝是颛顼 ( 水 )。
There are different opinions among the members of the Hou Tian Wu Di. The more popular belief is that Dong Fang Qing Di (the Eastern Qing Emperor) is Tai Hao (Wood), Nan Fang Huo Di (the Southern Red Emperor) is Shen Nong (Fire), Zhong Yang Huang Di (the Central Yellow Emperor) is Xuan Yuan (Earth), Xi Fang Bai Di (the Western White Emperor) is Shao Hao (Metal), and Bei Fang Xuan Di (the Northern Black Emperor) is Zhuan Xu (Water).
传说 , 五方天帝及其附属神灵辅佐昊天上帝治理整个世界 。 其中 , 东方天帝的属神是句芒 , 南方天帝的属神是祝融 , 西方天帝的属神是蓐收 , 北方天帝的属神是禺强 , 中央天帝的属神是后土 。
Legend has it that Wu Fang Tian Di and their affiliated deities assist the Hao Tian Shang Di in governing the entire world. Among them, the deity of Dong Fang Tian Di is Gou Mang, the deity of Nan Fang Tian Di is Zhu Rong, the deity of Xi Fang Tian Di is Ru Shou, the deity of Bei Fang Tian Di is Yu Qiang, and the deity of Zhong Yang Tian Di is Hou Tu.
东方青帝太昊伏羲氏 , 作为华夏民族和人类文明的重要起源 , 他不仅创造了八卦 , 制定了婚姻制度 , 还教会了人们捕鱼狩猎 。
Dong Fang Qing Di Tai Hao Fu Xi, as an important origin of the Chinese nation and human civilization, not only created the Eight Trigrams and established the marriage system, but also taught people how to fish and hunt.
西方白帝少昊金天氏 , 他以公正和勇气著称 , 是一位勇猛善战的领袖 , 被誉为 “ 西方战神 ”, 还建立了新的社会秩序 。
Xi Fang Bai Di Shao Hao Jin Tian was known for his fairness and courage. He was a brave and skilled leader known as the “Western War God” and established a new social order.
南方赤帝炎帝神农氏 , 他致力于发掘和试验各种草药 , 治愈了无数的疾病 。
Nan Fang Huo Di YanDi Shen Nong was dedicated to discovering and experimenting with various herbs, which cured countless diseases.
北方天帝黑帝颛顼氏 , 他的智谋和力量使他在乱世中脱颖而出 , 用智慧平定了各方的动乱 。
Bei Fang Tian Di, Xuan Di Zhuan Xu, stood out in turbulent times with his intelligence and strength, and used his wisdom to quell various disturbances.
中央天帝黄帝轩辕氏 , 他集合了四大天帝的智慧与力量 , 带领人类文明走向繁荣 。
Zhong Yang Tian Di Huang Di Xuanyuan, the Central Heavenly Emperor, gathered the wisdom and strength of the four Heavenly Emperors to lead human civilization towards prosperity.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!