Preface: Hao Tian Shang Di (昊天上帝) is the highest god in ancient China, his honorary name first appeared in the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty formally appeared in the “Hao Tian Shang Di” honorary title, the Tang Dynasty to Hao Tian Shang Di as the emperor of the sole sacrifice. Legend has it that Hao Tian Shang Di resides in the Star of the North Star, surrounded by the sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, thunder and lightning as messengers, and assisted by the five gods (i.e. Wu Fang Tian Di).
昊天上帝是中国古代神话里的最高神 。
Hao Tian Shang Di is the supreme deity in ancient Chinese mythology.
他是中国人常说的 “ 老天爷 ”, 代表天或者等同于天 。
He is often referred to as “Lao Tian Ye” by Chinese people, representing or equating to the sky.
他的形象和地位不断变化 , 但一直是华夏民族精神文化的核心 。
His image and status have evolved over time, but he has always occupied a central position in Chinese spiritual culture.
在古代 , 他是儒教信仰中的最高神 , 也是国家祭祀的最高神 。
In ancient times, he was the highest deity in Confucianism and the official cult of state sacrifice.
他的影响力贯穿了整个华夏文明 。
His influence spans the entire history of Chinese civilization.
古代帝王经常祭祀昊天上帝 , 仪式庄重神圣 。
Ancient emperors frequently sacrificed to Hao Tian Shang Di in solemn and sacred ceremonies.
周代在冬至日祭天 , 地点在国都南郊的圜丘 。
During the Zhou Dynasty, the main sacrifice to Heaven was held on the Winter Solstice at the Circular Mound in the southern suburbs of the capital.
天子和百官都要斋戒 , 参加祭祀活动 。
The emperor and officials would fast and participate in the rituals.
明清时期 , 天坛成为祭祀昊天上帝的重要场所 。
During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Temple of Heaven became an important venue for sacrificing to Hao Tian Shang Di.
天坛的建筑和礼制更加完善和规范 。
Its architecture and rituals were more refined and standardized.
在 《 封神演义 》 中 , 昊天上帝是天庭之主 , 妻子是瑶池金母 。
In the Ming Dynasty novel “Investiture of the Gods,” Hao Tian Shang Di is the ruler of Heaven, with his wife being the Queen Mother of the West.
他的女儿是龙吉公主 , 女婿是洪锦 。
His daughter is Princess Long Ji, and his son-in-law is Hong Jin.
传说做善事的人会得到昊天上帝的保佑 , 这就是 “ 老天爷保佑 ” 的由来 。
Legend has it that those who do good deeds will be blessed by Hao Tian Shang Di, which is the origin of the saying “Lao Tian Ye bless.”
昊天上帝还能决定人间的祸福吉凶 。
Hao Tian Shang Di can also determine people’s fortune and misfortune.
古代战争前 , 通常会举行大型祭礼 。
Before ancient wars, large-scale sacrifices were usually held.
一是祭告昊天上帝 , 二是祈求保佑 。
One purpose was to inform Hao Tian Shang Di, and the other was to seek his blessing.
昊天上帝还会决定人间的下一任君王 。
Hao Tian Shang Di also decided the next ruler of humanity.
所以古书中有 “ 感生帝 ” 的描述 , 指女性接收昊天上帝的旨意生下帝王 。
Therefore, ancient books have descriptions of the “Inspired Emperor,” referring to a woman receiving Hao Tian Shang Di’s will and giving birth to an emperor.
除了昊天上帝 , 中国古代神话还有其他天帝 , 如玉皇大帝 、 帝俊 、 东皇太一 。
Besides Hao Tian Shang Di, there were other heavenly deities in ancient Chinese mythology, such as the Jade Emperor, Di Jun, and Dong Huang Tai Yi.
但昊天上帝的地位和影响力最为突出 。
However, Hao Tian Shang Di’s status and influence were the most prominent.
这些神祇丰富了神话体系 , 反映了古人对宇宙和自然的理解 。
These deities enriched the mythology and reflected ancient people’s exploration and understanding of the universe and nature.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!