Preface: Hou Ji, a descendant of the Huang Di and the founder of the Zhou Dynasty, with the surname Ji and the name Abraham, was honoured as the King of Jik, the God of Agriculture, the God of Tilling and the God of Grain, the originator of farming and the God of the five grains. Houji was the first to establish grain reserves and the field drains method, released grain to save the people from hunger, and gave the people seeds, and was considered one of the three princes Yu relied on the most.
后稷的母亲叫姜嫄 , 是炎帝后裔有邰氏的女儿 , 也是帝喾的妻子 。
The mother of Hou Ji was named Jiang Yuan, the daughter of You Tai, a descendant of Yan Di, and also the wife of Di Ku.
有一天 , 姜嫄在郊外散步 , 看到一个巨大的脚印 。
One day, Jiang Yuan was walking in the countryside and saw a huge footprint.
这个脚印比普通人的大很多 。
This footprint was much larger than ordinary people’s.
姜嫄很好奇 , 突然感觉身体里有一股暖流 。
Jiang Yuan felt curious and suddenly sensed a warm current in her body.
她很想踩一踩这个巨人脚印 。
She had a strong desire to step on the giant footprint.
于是 , 她把脚放在脚印的大拇指上 。
So, she placed her foot on the big toe of the footprint.
不一会儿 , 她感觉肚子里好像在动 。
Soon, she felt something moving in her belly.
十个月后 , 她生下了一个孩子 。
Ten months later, she gave birth to a child.
姜嫄以为孩子是妖怪 , 把他扔在了小巷里 。
Jiang Yuan thought the child was a monster and threw him into a narrow alley.
但过往的牛马都绕开孩子走 。
But the passing cattle and horses all walked around the child.
她又派人把孩子扔到山林里 , 但人多没扔成 。
She then sent someone to throw the child into the mountains, but there were too many people and it failed.
最后 , 她把孩子放在河冰上 , 一只大鸟飞来用翅膀盖住了孩子 。
Finally, she put the child on the river ice, and a big bird flew over and covered the child with its wings.
姜嫄觉得这是神的旨意 , 于是抱回了孩子 , 给他起名叫 “ 弃 ”。
Jiang Yuan felt this was a divine will, so she took the child back and named him “Qi”.
弃是个有志气的孩子 , 从小喜欢农业 。
Qi was an ambitious child who loved agriculture from a young age.
他跟着妈妈学习农业知识 , 觉得打猎的生活太单调了 。
He learned agricultural knowledge from his mother and felt that the life of hunting was too monotonous.
他决定找更多食物来保证人类生存 。
He decided to find more food to ensure human survival.
他尝遍了各种植物 , 找到了很多能吃的食物 。
He tasted all kinds of plants and found many edible foods.
人们称他为 “ 农业始祖后稷 ”。
People called him “Hou Ji, the Ancestor of Agriculture”.
后稷发现 , 人们为了找好吃的植物要走很远 。
Hou Ji discovered that people had to travel far to find delicious plants.
他思考后 , 发现种子落在地里能发芽 。
After thinking, he found that seeds could sprout when they fell to the ground.
他又发现植物生长和天气 、 土壤有关 。
He also found that plant growth was related to weather and soil.
他决定教人们选育良种 , 有计划地农耕 。
He decided to teach people how to select good seeds and farm in a planned way.
天帝被后稷感动了 , 派神仙送来了百谷种子 。
The Heavenly Emperor was moved by Hou Ji and sent immortals to bring him seeds of various grains.
后稷开始教人们种庄稼 , 大家都来听他的课 。
Hou Ji began to teach people how to grow crops, and everyone came to listen to his lessons.
他亲自示范 , 教大家农耕新法 。
He demonstrated personally and taught everyone new farming methods.
他还教人们改进农具 , 开渠修堰 , 排水灌溉 。
He also taught people to improve farming tools, dig canals, and build irrigation systems.
人们种的庄稼穗儿大 、 颗粒饱 、 产量高 。
The crops grown by the people were large, full, and high-yielding.
舜帝表彰后稷 , 把有邰地赐给了他 。
Emperor Shun honored Hou Ji and granted him the land of You Tai.
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