Chinese mythology: Lei Shen (the Thunder God)
传Chuán说shuō , 雷léi神shén住zhù在zài雷léi泽zé , 它tā长zhǎng着zhe人rén的de头tóu和hé龙lóng的de身shēn子zi 。 Legend has it that Lei Shen (the god of thunder) lives in Leize, which…
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传Chuán说shuō , 雷léi神shén住zhù在zài雷léi泽zé , 它tā长zhǎng着zhe人rén的de头tóu和hé龙lóng的de身shēn子zi 。 Legend has it that Lei Shen (the god of thunder) lives in Leize, which…
传Chuán说shuō中zhōng国guó古gǔ时shí有yǒu “ 年nián ” 兽shòu , 凶xiōng猛měng异yì常cháng , 每měi年nián上shàng岸àn伤shāng人rén害hài命mìng 。 Legend has it that in ancient China, there was a…
明Míng朝cháo年nián间jiān , 有yǒu位wèi名míng叫jiào沐mù定dìng的de妇fù女nǚ住zhù在zài会huì泽zé县xiàn鲁lǔ机jī村cūn 。 In the Ming Dynasty, a woman named Mu Ding lived in Luji Village, Huize County. 她Tā勤qín劳láo但dàn生shēng活huó贫pín困kùn…
唐Táng朝cháo元yuán和hé二èr年nián , 有yǒu个gè叫jiào韦wéi固gù的de书shū生shēng去qù清qīng河hé访fǎng友yǒu 。 In the second year of Yuanhe in the Tang Dynasty, a scholar named Wei Gu went…
春Chūn秋qiū时shí期qī , 有yǒu对duì铸zhù剑jiàn高gāo手shǒu夫fū妇fù , 名míng叫jiào干gān将jiāng和hé莫mò邪yé 。 In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a couple of skilled swordsmiths named…
太Tài行háng和hé王wáng屋wū两liǎng座zuò山shān , 非fēi常cháng巨jù大dà 。 Taihang and Wangwu mountains are very huge. 它Tā们men方fāng圆yuán有yǒu七qī百bǎi里lǐ , 高gāo七qī八bā千qiān丈zhàng 。 They cover an area of…