Preface: “Family harmony and prosperity” has always been the belief and pursuit of the Chinese nation. As one of the “Five Emperors”, Emperor Di Ku not only managed to keep the country in order, but also harmonized the relationship between his three wives, and the only thing he could not help was his two sons. ……
颛顼死后 , 他的侄子帝喾即位 。
Zhuan Xu died, and his nephew Di Ku ascended the throne.
帝喾出生于高辛 , 故他又号高辛氏 , 是 “ 三皇五帝 ” 之一 。
Di Ku was born in Gao Xin, so he was also known as Gao Xin Shi, one of the “Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.”
帝喾是黄帝的曾孙 , 曾辅佐叔父颛顼 , 颛顼死后就由他来继承帝位 。
Di Ku was the great-grandson of Huang Di and had assisted his uncle Zhuan Xu. After Zhuan Xu’s death, he inherited the throne.
帝喾一出生就神异不凡 , 可以说出自己的名字 。
From birth, Di Ku was extraordinary and could say his own name.
帝喾三十岁时 , 就代替颛顼为帝 。
When Di Ku was thirty years old, he replaced Zhuan Xu as emperor.
他治理国家公正严谨 , 绝不徇私枉法 , 他对人民的福泽遍布天下 。
He governed the country with fairness and rigor, never showing favoritism. His blessings reached people all over the world.
帝喾潜心观察天象 , 探索天地间的天气变化规律 , 划分出二十四节气 。
Di Ku observed celestial phenomena with great concentration, explored the weather patterns, and established the Twenty-Four Solar Terms.
他指导人们按照节气时令耕地干活 , 粮食产量和生活质量都提高了 。
He guided people to farm according to the solar terms, improving grain yields and living standards.
帝喾在位七十余年 , 天下政通人和 , 百姓安居乐业 , 国家安宁祥和 。
Di Ku reigned for over seventy years, during which the country was prosperous and harmonious, and people lived in peace and contentment.
帝喾有三个妻子 , 第一位妻子生的孩子都奇特无比 , 有三个身子 。
Di Ku had three wives. The children born to his first wife were extraordinary, each having three bodies.
他们可以驱使凶猛的野兽 , 让它们帮助人类干活 。
They could control fierce beasts and make them help humans with heavy labor.
第二位妻子是太阳女神羲和 , 她和帝喾生了十个儿子 , 就是十个太阳 。
His second wife was Xi He, the Sun Goddess. She and Di Ku had ten sons, who were the ten suns.
羲和每天带着儿子们轮流值班 , 给人们带去光明和温暖 。
Xi He took her sons to work in shifts every day, bringing light and warmth to people.
每天 , 羲和都会带着太阳们去甘渊的汤谷洗澡 。
Every day, Xi He took her sons to bathe in the Tanggu in the Gan Yuan.
汤谷的水热乎乎的 , 很适合给太阳们洗浴 。
The water in Tanggu was warm, perfect for bathing the suns.
洗完澡后 , 太阳们会在扶桑树上玩耍 , 只有一个太阳被允许爬到大树顶端 , 准备第二天值班 。
After bathing, the suns would play on the Fusang tree. Only one sun was allowed to climb to the top of the tree to prepare for the next day’s shift.
为了防止太阳偷懒 , 玉鸡住在扶桑树上值班 , 黎明时叫醒太阳 。
To prevent the suns from being lazy, a jade chicken lived on the Fusang tree and woke up the sun at dawn.
随着玉鸡的第一声啼鸣 , 天下的雄鸡也跟着叫起来 , 天空渐渐亮起来 。
With the first crow of the jade chicken, all the male chickens in the world would also crow, and the sky would gradually brighten.
太阳坐在羲和妈妈驾的车子上 , 悠然自得地欣赏地下的美景 。
The sun sat on the chariot driven by his mother Xi He, enjoying the beautiful scenery below with ease.
帝喾的第三个妻子是月亮女神常羲 , 她和帝喾生了十二个月亮女儿 。
Di Ku’s third wife was Chang Xi, the Moon Goddess. She and Di Ku had twelve moon daughters.
常羲经常带着女儿们去清澈的湖里洗澡 , 人们称这为 “ 常羲浴月 ”。
Chang Xi often took her daughters to bathe in a clear lake, which was known as “Chang Xi Bathing the Moon.”
帝喾还有两个儿子 , 阏伯和实沉 , 他们关系不好 , 经常争斗 。
Di Ku also had two sons, Yan Bo and Shi Chen, who had a poor relationship and often fought.
帝喾为避免他们再生事端 , 将两人分开 , 派阏伯去主管东方的商星 , 派实沉去主管西方的参星 。
To prevent them from causing trouble again, Di Ku separated them, sending Yan Bo to oversee the Shang Star in the east and Shi Chen to oversee the Shen Star in the west.
参星和商星永远不会同时出现 , 阏伯和实沉也再未见面 , 争斗停止了 。
The Shen Star and the Shang Star never appeared at the same time, and Yan Bo and Shi Chen never met again, ending their fighting.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!
Are Di Ku and Emperor Di Jun the same person? Legend has it that they are both the fathers of ten suns.
Emperor Di Ku, surnamed Ji and Jun, is likely the same person.
Although in some documents there is a clear distinction between the two in history and mythology.
For example, in the Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas), the identity of Di Jun as the emperor of the sky is very clear, but it is possible that the emperor of the sky in ancient China was also a kind of deification of the tribal chiefs of the time. There are fifteen references to Di Jun in the Shanhaijing, and three of these records clearly indicate that Di Jun is Emperor Di Ku.