Preface: have you ever fantasized about ruling over a kingdom full of ursine children? If you were the king of this kingdom, how would you assign the duties of the birds? Shao Hao, the Bai Di (White Emperor), had established such a kingdom, the Kingdom of Hundred Birds. Come and see how he ruled the kingdom of birds!
少昊是西方的天帝 , 人们也叫他白帝或穷桑氏 。
Shao Hao was the Emperor of the West, also known as the White Emperor or Qiong Sang.
他的出生很不一般 。
His birth was very unusual.
母亲皇娥是位美丽聪明的仙女 , 能织出天空的云霞 。
His mother, Huang E, was a beautiful and clever fairy who could weave the clouds in the sky.
无论是绚烂的火烧云 , 洁白的云朵 , 还是乌云 , 她都织得十分精美 。
Whether it was the dazzling red clouds, white clouds, or dark clouds on rainy days, she wove them all beautifully.
人们总夸她织的云霞好看 。
People always praised the clouds she wove.
皇娥每天辛苦织云霞 , 常工作到深夜 。
Huang E worked hard every day, often weaving until late into the night.
累了 , 她就划船去银河游玩 , 常在西海边的穷桑树下休息 。
When she was tired, she would row a boat to the Milky Way and often rest under the Qiong Sang tree on the west sea shore.
穷桑树高大 , 桑叶红如枫叶 , 一万年才结一次果 , 吃了能长生不老 。
The Qiong Sang tree was tall, with leaves as red as maple leaves. It only bore fruit once every 10,000 years, and eating its fruit could make people immortal.
少昊叫穷桑氏 , 因为母亲常在穷桑树下休息 。
Shao Hao was called Qiong Sang because his mother often rested under the Qiong Sang tree.
黎明时 , 东方有颗闪亮的星星叫启明星 , 他弹琴很好听 。
At dawn, there was a shining star in the east called the Morning Star, who played the piano beautifully.
一次 , 皇娥在银河遇到启明星 , 两人相爱了 。
Once, Huang E met the Morning Star in the Milky Way, and they fell in love.
后来 , 皇娥生下他们的儿子少昊 。
Later, Huang E gave birth to their son, Shao Hao.
少昊聪明 , 继承了母亲的智慧和父亲的琴艺 。
Shao Hao was intelligent and inherited his mother’s wisdom and his father’s musical talent.
他从小喜欢鸟 , 鸟也喜欢他 , 常飞来和他玩 。
He loved birds from a young age, and they loved him too, often flying to play with him.
家里总有鸟飞来飞去 , 陪他玩 , 给他带东西 , 唱歌给他听 。
There were always birds flying in and out of the house, playing with him, bringing him things, and singing songs to him.
少昊长大后 , 成了英俊少年 , 精通音律 。
As Shao Hao grew up, he became a handsome young man proficient in music.
父亲启明星教他弹琴 , 母亲皇娥教他做人道理 。
His father, the Morning Star, taught him to play the piano, and his mother, Huang E, taught him life lessons.
父母真诚 、 善良 、 勤劳 , 深深影响了少昊 。
His parents’ sincerity, kindness, and diligence deeply influenced Shao Hao.
少昊成人后 , 想为百姓做点事 , 决定离开父母 , 建立自己的国家 。
After becoming an adult, Shao Hao wanted to do something for the people and decided to leave his parents to establish his own country.
父母理解并支持他 , 送别时叮嘱他早日建功立业 。
His parents understood and supported him, bidding him farewell and urging him to establish his foundation soon.
少昊来到东方海外 , 建立了一个叫少昊之国的国家 。
Shao Hao came to the eastern seas and established a country called the Shao Hao Kingdom.
这个国家很特别 , 百姓都是鸟 。
This country was very special because its people were all birds.
少昊让不同种类的鸟担任官职 , 管理国家 。
Shao Hao appointed different kinds of birds to hold official positions and manage the country.
他让燕子管春天 , 伯劳管夏天 , 鹦雀管秋天 , 锦鸡管冬天 。
He let the swallow manage spring, the shrike manage summer, the parrot manage autumn, and the pheasant manage winter.
还有五种鸟管日常事务 , 九种鸟管农业 , 五种野鸡管五种工艺 。
There were also five kinds of birds in charge of daily affairs, nine kinds in charge of agriculture, and five pheasants in charge of five crafts.
朝堂上 , 鸟们叽叽喳喳地议事 , 少昊坐在中间听着 。
In the court, the birds chattered as they discussed matters, and Shao Hao sat in the middle listening.
在少昊的治理下 , 百鸟之国和平繁荣 , 鸟们生活得很幸福 。
Under Shao Hao’s governance, the Bird Kingdom was peaceful and prosperous, and the birds lived happily.
少昊还请侄儿颛顼帮忙治国 , 颛顼聪明能干 , 深得鸟们喜爱 。
Shao Hao also invited his nephew Zhuan Xu to help govern the country. Zhuan Xu was intelligent and capable, deeply loved by the birds.
颛顼很忙 , 少昊心疼他 , 教他弹琴 , 还做了琴瑟给他 。
Zhuan Xu was very busy, so Shao Hao felt sorry for him and taught him to play the piano, making a zither and a qin for him.
颛顼琴艺高超 , 琴声能穿透云层 , 让人精神百倍 。
Zhuan Xu’s piano skills were superb, and his music could pierce through the clouds, making people feel refreshed and energetic.
他作的 《 劳作歌 》 被鸟们广为传唱 。
The song he composed, “Labor Song,” was widely sung by the birds.
几年后 , 颛顼长大了 , 要回自己的国家 。
A few years later, Zhuan Xu grew up and had to return to his own country.
少昊舍不得他 , 想传王位给他 , 但颛顼必须回自己国家 。
Shao Hao was reluctant to let him go and even wanted to pass the throne to him, but Zhuan Xu had to return to his country.
少昊和鸟们都不习惯没有颛顼的日子 , 特别想念他的琴声 。
Shao Hao and the birds were not used to the days without Zhuan Xu, especially missing his piano music.
少昊把琴瑟扔进东海外的大壑 , 之后每当夜深人静 , 大壑里就会传来琴声 。
Shao Hao threw the zither and qin into the great abyss east of the sea. After that, whenever it was quiet at night, music would come from the abyss.
少昊想念颛顼 , 不仅是叔侄之情 , 更因思念知音和琴声 。
Shao Hao missed Zhuan Xu, not only as a nephew but also as a soul mate and musician.
音乐的力量真伟大 , 能感动人们的心灵 。
The power of music is truly great, touching people’s hearts.
后来 , 少昊回到西方 , 做了掌管西方的天帝 。
Later, Shao Hao returned to the West and became the Emperor of the West.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!