Preface: To the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, the two, the Long and the Feng, are known to no one and are the unique symbols of the Chinese people. Some idioms circulating in the folklore can reflect that Chinese civilization is closely related to the Long and Feng. So, how did theLong and Feng come about?
相传 , 轩辕黄帝与蚩尤进行了七十二场战争 。
In legend, Emperor Huang Di fought seventy-two battles with Chi You.
终于在涿鹿打败了蚩尤 , 平定了天下 。
Finally, he defeated Chi You in Zhuolu and unified the world.
统一各个部落后 , 黄帝打算制定一个统一的图腾 。
After unifying the tribes, Emperor Huang Di planned to create a unified totem.
图腾的意义类似于现在的国旗 , 是一个国家的标志 。
The totem was like a national flag, representing the country.
黄帝的手下亲信不建议制定新的图腾 。
His trusted followers advised against creating a new totem.
他们觉得黄帝的功绩无人能比 , 沿用黄帝部落的图腾即可 。
They felt that Emperor Huang Di’s achievements were unparalleled, so they should just use his tribe’s totem.
黄帝说 :“ 这怎么行呢 ? 我不能辜负大家的期望 。”
Emperor Huang Di said, “How can we do that? I cannot disappoint everyone’s expectations.”
黄帝想起蚩尤的行为 , 决定不能重蹈覆辙 。
He recalled Chi You’s actions and decided not to repeat the mistakes.
他吩咐仓颉通知各部落 , 把原来的图腾献出来 , 共同商议新图腾 。
He instructed Cangjie to notify the tribes to bring their original totems and discuss a new one together.
各部落送来的图腾出乎意料地多 。
Surprisingly, many totems were sent by the tribes.
有蛇 、 鹰 、 马 、 鱼 、 熊等各种动物形象 。
They included images of snakes, eagles, horses, fish, bears, and other animals.
代表们非常信任黄帝 , 把制定图腾的大权交给他 。
The representatives trusted Emperor Huang Di very much and gave him the power to decide the totem.
黄帝拿不定主意 , 征求谋臣们的意见 。
Emperor Huang Di couldn’t decide and asked his advisors for their opinions.
大鸿说 :“ 随便用一个不就好了 ?”
Da Hong said, “Why not just use any one of them?”
黄帝说 :“ 图腾的制定不能草率 , 要考虑各个部落的感受 。”
Emperor Huang Di said, “The totem’s creation cannot be hasty. We must consider the feelings of all tribes.”
黄帝看到电光闪过 , 得到启发 。
Emperor Huang Di was inspired by a flash of lightning.
他决定综合各部落图腾的特征制定新图腾 。
He decided to combine features from each tribe’s totem to create a new one.
仓颉提议新图腾叫 “ 龙 ”。
Cang Jie suggested naming the new totem “Long.”
黄帝同意 , 龙成为中华民族的象征 。
Emperor Huang Di agreed, and the Long became a symbol of the Chinese people.
龙的图腾制定后 , 还有些部落的图腾没用上 。
After creating the Long totem, some tribe totems were still unused.
黄帝的正妃螺祖想帮忙 。
Lei Zu, Emperor Huang Di’s wife, wanted to help.
她用剩下的图腾组成了一只华丽的大鸟 。
She combined the unused totems into a magnificent bird.
螺祖的另外三位妃子觉得一只鸟太寂寞 , 又组成另一只鸟配成一对 。
Lei Zu’s other three concubines felt that one bird was too lonely, so they made another to pair with it.
她们请风后和仓颉给这两只鸟取名 。
They asked Feng Hou and Cang Jie to name the two birds.
风后称赞这是独一无二的吉祥物 。
Fenghou praised them as unique mascots.
仓颉提议分别叫 “ 凤 ” 和 “ 凰 ”。
Cangjie suggested naming them “Feng” and “Huang.”
黄帝同意用 “ 龙凤 ” 作为新图腾 。
Emperor Huang Di agreed to use “Long and Feng” as the new totem.
这就是龙凤图腾的由来 。
This is the origin of the Long and Feng totems.
几千年来 , 龙凤一直是中华民族的伟大象征 。
For thousands of years, the Long and Feng have been great symbols of the Chinese people.
现在 , 中国人还自豪地称自己为 “ 龙的传人 ”。
Today, Chinese people still proudly call themselves “descendants of the Long.”
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!