Preface: On the earth, there were many people and animals originally, but due to a great catastrophe, they all disappeared, leaving only Fu Xi and Nu Wa.What kind of catastrophe was it exactly?And how did Fu Xi and Nu Wa survive this catastrophe?
伏羲和女娲是兄妹 , 后来他们结婚了 。
Fu Xi and Nu Wa were brother and sister, but later they got married.
他们小时候 , 村子大半年没下雨 , 庄稼要枯死了 , 人们也快渴死了 。
When they were children, their village hadn’t rained for most of the year. The crops were dying, and people were also dying of thirst.
村民去求他们父亲帮忙 , 因为他们父亲会法术 , 能和神沟通 。
The villagers asked their father for help because he knew magic and could communicate with gods.
父亲生气地对天说 :“ 三天内不下雨 , 就让雷公跌下来 !”
Their father angrily said to the sky, “If it doesn’t rain within three days, I will make Lei Gong (the Thunder God) fall from the sky!”
第二天真的下雨了 , 庄稼得救了 , 人们很高兴 。
The next day, it really rained, and the crops were saved. People were very happy.
但父亲因此得罪了雷公 , 雷公想要报复 。
But their father offended Lei Gong because of this, and Lei Gong wanted revenge.
父亲准备了铁笼和叉子 , 等着雷公来 。
Their father prepared an iron cage and a fork, waiting for Lei Gong to come.
一天 , 雷公来了 , 带着凶光 , 父亲用叉子叉中了雷公 。
One day, Lei Gong came with a fierce look, and their father hit him with the fork.
父亲把雷公关进铁笼 , 施了咒术 。
Their father put Lei Gong in the iron cage and cast a spell on him.
父亲让伏羲和女娲看守雷公 , 叮嘱他们不要给雷公水喝 。
Their father asked Fu Xi and Nu Wa to guard Lei Gong and told them not to give him water to drink.
父亲走后 , 雷公呻吟着求水喝 。
After their father left, Lei Gong groaned and begged for water.
伏羲说不能给 , 但女娲心软了 , 给了雷公几滴水 。
Fu Xi said they couldn’t give it, but Nu Wa softened and gave Lei Gong a few drops of water.
雷公得到水 , 法力恢复 , 打破了铁笼 。
Lei Gong regained his power after getting the water and broke the iron cage.
为了感谢兄妹俩 , 雷公给了他们一颗牙齿 , 说种在土里能长出葫芦 , 遇到灾难可以躲进去 。
To thank the siblings, Lei Gong gave them a tooth and said that if they planted it in the soil, it would grow into a gourd, and they could hide inside it during disasters.
父亲回来后 , 知道雷公逃走了 , 就造了一艘铁船以防万一 。
When their father returned and found out that Lei Gong had escaped, he built an iron ship just in case.
兄妹俩种下牙齿 , 长出了大葫芦 。
The siblings planted the tooth and a huge gourd grew out.
雷公报复 , 命令雨神不停下雨 , 洪水淹没了大地 。
Lei Gong retaliated by ordering the Rain God to keep raining, and the flood淹没d the earth.
父亲躲进铁船 , 兄妹俩躲进葫芦 , 随洪水漂流到天上 。
Their father hid in the iron ship, while the siblings hid in the gourd and floated to the sky with the flood.
父亲敲天门让洪水退去 , 但铁船从高空落下摔碎了 , 父亲死了 。
Their father knocked on the gate of heaven to make the flood go away, but the iron ship fell from the sky and broke into pieces, killing him.
兄妹俩从葫芦里出来 , 平安无事 。
The siblings came out of the gourd and were safe.
除了伏羲和女娲 , 大地上的人和动物都死光了 。
Everyone and every animal on the earth died except Fu Xi and Nu Wa.
天神责备雷公 , 雷公后悔 , 天神让伏羲和女娲结婚繁衍新人类 。
The gods blamed Lei Gong, who regretted it. The gods then asked Fu Xi and Nu Wa to marry and reproduce a new humanity.
伏羲和女娲说除非竹子能接起来 , 否则不结婚 。
Fu Xi and Nu Wa said they wouldn’t marry unless bamboo could be reconnected.
The gods reconnected the bamboo, and it became jointed.
伏羲和女娲结婚了 , 两年后生下一个肉球 。
Fu Xi and Nu Wa got married and gave birth to a meatball two years later.
他们把肉球弄碎撒下去 , 鱼虾 、 鸟兽 、 人都出现了 。
They crushed the meatball and scattered it, and fish, birds, animals, and people appeared.
从此 , 天下又重新有了人和动物 。
From then on, there were people and animals on the earth again.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!