Preface: Money tree and treasure basin are unique phenomena in Chinese culture, which are products of people’s conceptual consciousness. They retain the primitive worship of trees and also symbolize the auspicious concept of praying for wealth and good fortune, appearing in festivals and events to express people’s longing for a better future.
很久很久以前 , 有个小村子 , 里面住着一个叫王二的懒汉 。
Long, long ago, there was a small village with a lazy man called Wang Er.
王二整天做发财梦 , 却不愿干活 , 总盼天上掉馅饼 。
Wang Er dreamed of becoming rich all day but didn’t want to work, always hoping for money to fall from the sky.
一天 , 王二在破院子里晒太阳 , 睡着了 。
One day, Wang Er fell asleep while sunbathing in his broken courtyard.
梦里 , 他来到云雾缭绕的仙境 , 看到一棵发光的大树 。
In his dream, he came to a misty fairyland and saw a shining big tree.
树上不是树叶 , 而是明晃晃的铜钱 , 风一吹就叮当作响 。
Instead of leaves, there were bright copper coins on the tree, jingling in the wind.
王二眼睛一亮 , 心想 :“ 这不是摇钱树吗 ? 我发财了 !”
Wang Er’s eyes lit up, thinking, “Isn’t this a money tree? I’m going to be rich!”
他跑过去摇树 , 铜钱像下雨一样落下来 。
He ran to shake the tree, and the coins fell like rain.
王二正捡钱 , 突然听到笑声 。
While picking up the money, Wang Er suddenly heard laughter.
扭头一看 , 一个白胡子老头正笑眯眯地看着他 。
He turned around and saw an old man with a white beard smiling at him.
王二问 :“ 老头 , 你笑啥 ? 这摇钱树我发现的 , 钱都是我的 !”
Wang Er asked, “Old man, why are you laughing? I found this money tree, so the money is mine!”
老头说 :“ 贪心鬼 , 光有摇钱树不够 , 还得有聚宝盆 。”
The old man said, “Greedy guy, just having a money tree is not enough; you also need a treasure basin.”
王二问 :“ 啥是聚宝盆 ?”
Wang Er asked, “What’s a treasure basin?”
老头指着一个金盆说 :“ 这就是 , 放啥都能变多 。”
The old man pointed to a golden basin and said, “This is it. Whatever you put in, it multiplies.”
王二跑过去看 , 盆子普通 , 他不信 , 放颗石子进去 。
Wang Er ran over to look, but the basin seemed ordinary. He didn’t believe it and put a stone in.
一眨眼 , 盆子装满石子 , 堆得像小山 。
In the blink of an eye, the basin was filled with stones, piled up like a small mountain.
王二乐了 , 想 :“ 放铜钱进去 , 我不就最有钱了 ?”
Wang Er was delighted and thought, “If I put copper coins in, won’t I be the richest person?”
于是 , 他倒铜钱进聚宝盆 , 铜钱冒个不停 , 把王二埋了 。
So, he poured copper coins into the treasure basin, and they kept coming out endlessly, burying Wang Er.
王二在钱里挣扎 , 大喊 :“ 太多了 , 快停 !”
Wang Er struggled in the money and shouted, “Too much, stop!”
可铜钱不停冒 , 王二快被压死了 。
But the coins didn’t stop, and Wang Er was almost crushed to death.
突然 , 王二醒了 , 原来是一场梦 。
Suddenly, Wang Er woke up; it was just a dream.
他坐在院子里 , 还想摇钱树和聚宝盆 。
He sat in the courtyard, still thinking about the money tree and treasure basin.
心想 :“ 虽是个梦 , 说不定真有呢 , 我得去找找 。”
He thought, “Although it’s just a dream, maybe they really exist. I have to go look for them.”
从此 , 王二整天游荡 , 打听宝贝下落 。
From then on, Wang Er wandered all day, inquiring about the whereabouts of the treasures.
找了很久 , 啥也没找到 。
After searching for a long time, he found nothing.
王二才明白 , 没有不劳而获的宝贝 , 得靠双手过上好日子 。
Wang Er finally understood that there’s no such thing as effortless wealth; one must rely on their own hands to live a good life.
这就是摇钱树和聚宝盆的故事 , 告诉我们别太贪心 , 别老想不劳而获 , 要脚踏实地 。
This is the story of the money tree and treasure basin, telling us not to be too greedy, not to always think of getting something for nothing, and to be down-to-earth.
Learning Chinese through reading Chinese mythology, folk stories, historical allusions, and biographies is easy to learn and bilingual, suitable for beginners!