Preface: Shi Gan Dang, also known as Tai Shan Shi Gan Dang, is a deity in ancient Chinese folk beliefs, with the symbolic meaning of driving away evil spirits and keeping people safe. This belief and custom has a long history, dating back to ancient times, and is still widely practiced in many parts of China today.
在泰山脚下 , 住着一个人 。
At the foot of Mount Tai, there lived a man.
他叫石敢当 , 非常勇敢 。
His name was Shi Gan Dang, and he was very brave.
石敢当武功高强 , 喜欢帮助弱小 。
Shi Gan Dang was skilled in martial arts and liked to help those weaker than him.
他在泰山周围很有名 。
He was famous around Mount Tai.
泰山南边有个大汶口镇 。
To the south of Mount Tai, there was a town called Dawenkou.
镇里住着姓张的一家人 。
In the town lived a family surnamed Zhang.
张家有个女儿 , 今年十六岁 。
The Zhang family had a daughter who was sixteen years old.
她长得非常漂亮 , 像仙女一样 。
She was very beautiful, like a fairy.
有一天 , 太阳下山时 , 刮来一股奇怪的妖风 。
One day, as the sun was setting, a strange demonic wind blew in.
妖风从东南方向吹来 , 吹开了张家的门 。
The demonic wind blew from the southeast and blew open the Zhang family’s door.
从那以后 , 女孩变得面黄肌瘦 , 非常虚弱 。
From then on, the girl became pale and skinny, and very weak.
人们找了很多医生 , 但女孩一直不见好转 。
People sought many doctors, but the girl did not improve.
大家说 :“ 这是妖气缠身 , 吃药治不好 。”
Everyone said, “This is demonic possession, and medicine cannot cure it.”
张家的老人听说泰山有个石敢当 , 能降妖除魔 。
The old man of the Zhang family heard that there was a Shi Gan Dang on Mount Tai who could subdue demons.
于是 , 他骑上马去请石敢当 。
So, he rode a horse to invite Shi Gan Dang.
老人告诉石敢当女孩的情况 , 石敢当立刻跟着老人去了张家 。
The old man told Shi Gan Dang about the girl’s situation, and Shi Gan Dang immediately followed the old man to the Zhang family’s home.
石敢当让张家准备十二个童男和十二个童女 。
Shi Gan Dang asked the Zhang family to prepare twelve boy and twelve girl children.
童男每人一个鼓 , 童女每人一面锣 。
Each boy was given a drum, and each girl was given a gong.
还要准备一口锅和一把椅子 。
They also prepared a pot and a chair.
天黑后 , 石敢当点燃了香油灯 。
After it got dark, Shi Gan Dang lit a sesame oil lamp.
他用锅扣住盆子 , 坐在旁边 。
He covered a basin with the pot and sat beside it.
用脚挑着锅沿 , 远处看不见灯光 。
He used his foot to lift the edge of the pot so that the light could not be seen from a distance.
过了一会儿 , 从东南方向吹来一阵妖风 。
After a while, a demonic wind blew in from the southeast.
石敢当用脚一踢 , 踢翻了锅 。
Shi Gan Dang kicked with his foot and overturned the pot.
灯光一亮 , 童男童女开始敲锣打鼓 。
The light came on, and the boys and girls began to beat their drums and gongs.
妖怪进屋后 , 看到灯光 , 吓得立刻跑了出去 。
The demon entered the house and, seeing the light, was scared and immediately ran out.
它朝南方跑去 , 一直跑到了福建 。
It ran towards the south and kept running until it reached Fujian.
福建有个农户也被妖风缠住了 。
A farmer in Fujian was also possessed by the demonic wind.
他听说石敢当能治妖 , 就把石敢当请了过去 。
He heard that Shi Gan Dang could subdue demons, so he invited Shi Gan Dang over.
石敢当用同样的方法 , 妖怪又跑了 , 去了东北 。
Shi Gan Dang used the same method, and the demon ran away again, going to Northeast China.
东北有个姑娘也得了同样的病 。
A girl in Northeast China also had the same illness.
他们又请来石敢当 。
They invited Shi Gan Dang again.
石敢当想了个办法 , 找石匠刻了块石头 。
Shi Gan Dang came up with an idea and asked a stonemason to carve a stone.
石头上写着 “ 泰山石敢当 ”。
The stone was inscribed with “Tai Shan Shi Gan Dang”.
谁家闹妖气 , 就把这块石头放在墙上 。
Whenever there was demonic possession in a household, they would place this stone on the wall.
妖怪看到石头 , 吓得立刻跑了 。
The demon, seeing the stone, was scared and immediately ran away.
这个办法传开了 。
This method spread.
大家说妖怪怕石敢当 。
Everyone said that demons were afraid of Shi Gan Dang.
只要找块石头 , 刻上 “ 泰山石敢当 ”, 妖怪就不敢来了 。
As long as they found a stone and inscribed “Tai Shan Shi Gan Dang” on it, demons would not dare to come.
所以现在盖房子 、 垒墙时 , 人们总会刻上这几个字辟邪 。
So now, when building houses or walls, people always inscribe these words to ward off evil spirits.
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