Chinese Mythology: Nu Wa Creating Human
很Hěn久jiǔ很hěn久jiǔ以yǐ前qián , 天tiān地dì刚gāng分fēn开kāi , 有yǒu了le日rì月yuè星xīng辰chén 、 山shān川chuān草cǎo木mù 、 鸟niǎo兽shòu虫chóng鱼yú 。 A long, long time ago, heaven and earth had just…
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很Hěn久jiǔ很hěn久jiǔ以yǐ前qián , 天tiān地dì刚gāng分fēn开kāi , 有yǒu了le日rì月yuè星xīng辰chén 、 山shān川chuān草cǎo木mù 、 鸟niǎo兽shòu虫chóng鱼yú 。 A long, long time ago, heaven and earth had just…
共Gòng工gōng , 中zhōng国guó古gǔ代dài神shén话huà的de水shuǐ神shén , 能néng掌zhǎng控kòng洪hóng水shuǐ 。 Gong Gong, the god of water in ancient Chinese mythology, could control floods. 共Gòng工gōng和hé火huǒ神shén祝zhù融róng不bù和hé…
很Hěn久jiǔ以yǐ前qián , 黄huáng河hé发fā大dà水shuǐ , 带dài来lái了le巨jù大dà的de灾zāi难nàn 。 尧Yáo帝dì命mìng令lìng鲧gǔn去qù治zhì水shuǐ 。 A long time ago, the Yellow River flooded and brought great disaster.…
燧Suì人rén取qǔ火huǒ是shì古gǔ代dài中zhōng国guó神shén话huà传chuán说shuō之zhī一yī 。 This is one of the myths and legends of ancient China. 燧Suì人rén氏shì , 中zhōng国guó古gǔ代dài “ 三sān皇huáng五wǔ帝dì ” 中zhōng的de…
精Jīng卫wèi填tián海hǎi , 是shì中zhōng国guó上shàng古gǔ神shén话huà传chuán说shuō之zhī一yī 。 Jing Wei is one of the ancient Chinese myths and legends. 相Xiāng传chuán精jīng卫wèi本běn是shì炎yán帝dì神shén农nóng氏shì的de小xiǎo女nǚ儿ér , 名míng唤huàn女nǚ娃wá 。 According…