Xi Wang Mu, also known as “ Wang Mu Niang Niang ”, is the goddess of criminal law, the head of the female immortals in the heavenly realm.
Legend has it that the Xi Wang Mu lived in the Kun Lun Mountain’s Yaochi Fairyland, where an immortal bird called the “Qing Niao” carried food and daily necessities for her every day.
黄帝讨伐蚩尤时 , 她曾派遣九天玄女帮助黄帝 。
When the Huang Di crusaded against Chi You, she had sent the Jiu Tian Xuan Nü to help the Huang Di.
后羿射日之后 , 西王母给了后羿一颗不死药 , 成就了嫦娥奔月的传说 。
After Hou Yi shot the sun, Xi Wang Mu gave Hou Yi an immortality pill, accomplishing the legend of Chang E running to the moon.
在中国的道教神话中 , 西王母与掌管三界的主宰之神玉皇大帝结为伴侣 , 共同掌管着世界 。
In Chinese Taoist mythology, the Xi Wang Mu is partnered with the Yu Huang Da Di , the sovereign god in charge of the three realms, and together they rule the world.
相传中国农历三月三日为西王母诞辰 , 这天西王母大开的盛会 , 以蟠桃为主食 , 宴请各方众神众仙参加 , 众神仙赶来为她祝寿 , 称之为蟠桃会 。《 西游记 》 中孙悟空大闹天空的故事就发生在蟠桃会期间 。
According to legend, the third day of March in the Chinese lunar calendar is the birthday of the Xi Wang Mu on this day, the Xi Wang Mu opened a grand feast, with peaches as the main food, banquets for all parties to participate in all the gods and fairies, and all the gods and fairies rushed to wish her a birthday, which is known as the Peach Party. The story of the Monkey King (Sun Wu Kong) in Journey to the West took place during the Peach Festival.