精卫填海 , 是中国上古神话传说之一 。
Jing Wei is one of the ancient Chinese myths and legends.
相传精卫本是炎帝神农氏的小女儿 , 名唤女娃 。
According to legend, Jing Wei was originally the youngest daughter of Shen Nong, the Emperor of Yan, and her name was Nu Wa.
一日 , 女娃到东海游玩 , 淹死在水中 。
One day, she went to the East China Sea and drowned in the water.
死后的女娃化作花脑袋 、 白嘴壳 、 红色爪子的一种神鸟 , 每天从山上衔来石头和草木 , 投入东海 , 然后发出 “ 精卫 、 精卫 ” 的悲鸣 , 好像在呼唤着自己 , 叹息着命运的不公 。
After her death, she was transformed into a divine bird with a flowery head, white beak and red claws, and every day she brought stones and grasses from the mountains and threw them into the East China Sea, and then let out the mournful cry of “Jing Wei, Jing Wei”, as if calling out to herself and sighing at the injustice of fate.